Club Race Committee

Listed below is a list of CVR members who have generously donated their time and their skills to make 2023’s Racing Into Spring a success.

Event Planning & Coordination
Club Race Director Joe Kunecki
Assistant Race Director Mark Lewis
Race Registrar Lisa Parker
Sponsorships Don Phelan, Mike Appel, Frank Sena
Volunteer Coordinator Mike Hopkins
Grid and Pit Coordinator Ian McLeran
Main Gate Captain Allen Fossbender
Food & Hospitality Susan Alyson Young
Race Program Shelley Krohnengold, Susan Vaccaro
Publicity / Website Caroline Abba, Charles Letouzey
Radio Communications Alan Davis
Medical Safety Liaison Robert Napoletano, M.D.
Driver Education Dave Vaccaro
Treasurer Timothy Beckwith
Race Day Staff
Announcer Andreas Klaube
Assistant to the Steward Lisa Parker
Assistant to the Scrutineer Tim O’Brien
Assistant to the Registrar Sarah Melendez, Caroline Davis
Pace Cars John Schnabel, Bob Napoletano
Pace Car Communications Erik Lillibridge, Charles Young
Photography Coordinator Paul Roth
Race Tech Jim Newton / Automobile Associates
Timing & Scoring Jerry Charlup
PCA National Race Day Staff
Stewards: Pat Heptig (L), Bill Miller, and Pete Debusmann (training)
Timing: Roland Nieves
Scrutineers: Jon Jones (L), John Rickard, Donna Amico, and Dale Tutey