View from the Valley
Columns Presidents Message


I have tried my best but there is no longer denying that the CVR driving season for 2019 is approaching an end. From my perspective this year has flown by.

Looking at CVR’s calendar, we had 70 entries for 2019. I simply cannot say the following often enough: A very big Thank You to the activity chairs and volunteers who provide their talents and hard work to provide us with the highest quality events for us to enjoy. On more than one occasion this year I have had members from nearby regions that participate in our events come to me and express their appreciation to CVR for putting on such good events.

The culmination of our 2019 events will be CVR’S 60th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday evening, November 23, 2019, at the charming Saint Clements Castle in Portland, CT. It will be a great time to socialize and recount what happened in 2019. The annual Photofest will also take place that evening. you can download the form here. Music and Photobooth will be provided by HG Entertainment to ensure a fun time for all. (P.S. – Don’t forget your dancing shoes.) The evening will include CVR award presentations and the election of officers. Sign up for the celebration here. I am sure it will be an event that you will not want to miss. Hope you can attend.

I will be attending the Zone 1 President’s meeting later this month. This meeting is an opportunity for the 17 region presidents to share information and best practices.

The 2019 driving season may be coming to a close but CVR’s activity chairs are starting to work on the plans for 2020. There are several activities that are in the planning stages. The majority of the calendar for next year will be laid out at the board’s January Planning Meeting.

Safe travels,

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