By the time Porsche completed the North American production run of the 968 series they had produced just 4,242 vehicles resulting in what would be a rare model. But when you drill down further into the 34 exterior colors offered during the model run you get to some incredibly low numbers as most US buyers were still playing it conservative ordering black, red, or white, despite the broad color spectrum offerings. Therefore, it should come as no surprise to learn that when it came to one of the most bold Porsche exterior color offerings, L22R Mint Green, Porsche had only produced three 968s in this hue when North American production ceased. Two coupes and one cabriolet.

Today all three of those mint green 968s are accounted for. I was fortunate enough to be there when the cabriolet came up for sale from its second owner back in 2007 and quickly moved to take ownership of it and park it in my garage here in Connecticut. Over the years I spotted mint green coupe #1. It was owned by a California PCAer and was participating in an autocross event. A few years later I was contacted by the North Carolina based owner of mint green 968 coupe #2 who was looking to sell it. Who would have guessed that in time both of these coupes would end up migrating to new owners in nearby New York.

Then, just this year, photos of coupe #1 started to show up at Metro NY PCA events, some of which I had attended previously. I knew the potential for an eventual meeting of two of these amazingly rare cars was now an actual possibility, I just had to meet the owner. Then I got an email from Anthony.
Anthony was the new owner of mint green coupe #1 and lived in Long Island. Truly an enthusiastic fan of the car we quickly signed Anthony up to the PCA 968 register and I shared with him all the production details on his rare ride. It was great to hear the car was in the hands of someone who truly appreciated it and its rarity. We chatted back and forth over the next few weeks but car event season was winding down to a close so I had to act fast if the cars were going to meet in person. I recalled that there was a Cars and Coffee event coming up in mid-October and hoped that might work. Tony checked his schedule and he was open so we planned the meeting.
The day of the event arrived. The weather cooperated with a cool New England fall day but no rain. I got there first and kept an eye out for him and when he arrived, I had to look twice to make sure someone wasn’t driving my car. Due to the heavy attendance at the event Tony had to park away from my cab to start. Once parked, I introduced myself to Tony and then went about inspecting his amazing machine. Mint green 968 coupe #1 was very clean to start with but Tony went even further making sure that every detail of the car was perfect. It presented itself very well.

Later in the morning the Mustangs that were parked next to me left and Tony went to retrieve his car and park it next to mine. The sight of the two cars coming together was simply amazing, two rare 968s in one of the boldest and rarest colors utilized by Porsche. Clearly the event was not lost just on the owners of the two cars. Suddenly we were surrounded by a large crowd of fans, all snapping photos of this amazing spectacle. Brad and Angelina had nothing on these two beauties parked side by side there in New Canaan CT. We spent the next hour or so comparing the cars and answering questions, the most common of which was “is that a factory paint job?”.

Finally the event wrapped up and Tony had to make his way back to Long Island so we said our goodbyes and made a plan to meet again in the future. It was quite a sight to see these two machines side by side and I was amazed that the meeting actually came together after all these years. Now, the only way to top this would be to get the owner of mint green coupe #2 to join us. Can you imagine 3 mint green 968s parked together?