Welcome to 2020. It’s a new year and a new decade.
Last year was a big year for Challenge. If you’re reading this column, you’re already aware that Challenge has gone completely digital, and that Shelly Krohnengold has officially passed the Editor’s torch to me and retired as Editor. He will, at least for the foreseeable future, continue to be Creative Director for the magazine and the club. You can thank him for the spectacular calendar you received in the mail this past week.
While the hard part of the transition to digital is out of the way, that doesn’t mean the Challenge Team is done. First up, there will be a more frequent publication schedule. (Shelley’s called it the new-editor-not-knowing-what-he’s-getting-into syndrome and while my wife thinks he’s right, it’s at the top of my to-do list.) Beginning this month, you can look forward to Challenge hitting your inbox twice a month. Second, we want to showcase a greater variety of content. While we know that our members can’t wait to read the scintillating columns that our activity chairs write every month, we are going to try and add some other content to the mix. Look for a 5-part series on 911’s from Mike Keller, tips on the care and feeding of your P-Car and more video content. And finally, there’s the Challenge App.
On another front, how many of you have seen the new Star War’s film? Did you notice that one of the spaceships in the movie had some Porsche-inspired design cues? If you did, you’ve got good eyes and appreciation for some of the finer points of Porsche’s design ethic. If you didn’t see them, check out Porsche Builds Its First Spaceship for some images and a video clip of the design team at work.
Last year, we rebranded the ePorium to the CVR Store and this month, Shopkeeper (or is that Shopmeister?) Joe Kunecki gives us on update on some of the available club merch. If you haven’t yet ordered your Anniversary swag, there’s still some time left. You don’t want to be left out in the cold this winter.
In this month’s View from the Valley, club President Phil Capella give us a short recap of the awards handed out during the Anniversary celebration. Up next on The Board’s schedule is the planning meeting on January 11th followed by the first Member event of the year at Trailer Depot in Northford on January 25th. Pancakes anyone?
On a sadder note, as many of you know, Spencer Cox passed away in November, the day after our Anniversary celebration. Those who knew him well were devastated by his loss as were those of us (including me) who’d barely gotten to know him. Spencer was that kind of guy. This month’s Challenge features articles about Spencer from two of the people who knew him best – VP of DE Dave Vaccaro (Remembering Spencer Cox) and Driver Todd Pajones (Racing with Spencer).