Putting out a monthly magazine is challenging in the best of circumstances. Like you, the contributors whose work you see featured here each month all have jobs and family that keep them occupied. Even in the best of circumstances, it’s not easy for them to find the time to sit and write about the most recent DE event, autocross, or monthly club meeting.
It’s infinitely more difficult to do that when you don’t have those things to write about.
Thankfully, CVR has some devoted – and talented – activity and program chairs. This month, in addition to Phil’s Capella’s President’s Message, we have an article from VP of Driver Education David Vaccaro, an article from VP of Autocross Paul Kudra and a short update about the CVR Store from Joe Kunecki. And this issue’s CVR Entertainment Guide from former Challenge Editor (and current Creative Director) Shelley Krohnengold has some great recommendations for your at-home viewing pleasure.
This month’s Feature article is called Porsche Story. I’d be willing to wager that most, if not all of us, had something other than a Porsche as our first car. There’s a journey we all took to becoming a Porsche owner, and this month I’m telling mine. My hope is to make this a recurring monthly feature of Challenge. With that in mind, if you have a story about your journey to owning a Porsche, please send it to challengechair@cvrpca.org along with any photos you’re comfortable sharing.
Stay safe. And when you’re out there, stay between the lines.