We continued with our Coffee Run as scheduled in July. James Ball put on the Zig Zag Coffee Run on a beautiful day, thanks to the tropical storm coming through the night before and clearing up by morning.

Rich Adua put on the Plainfield to Vanilla Bean Run that brought the participants to sections of our region that made you think you were driving in a place like Vermont.

The common theme in both runs was that everyone had a great time and we had a nice display of air and water cooled Porsches.
The Coffee Run team is working to update the document that describes the remaining runs for this year. We are having to do some re-working of venues due to the pandemic situation. We hope to have the document posted on the calendar shortly.
The next Coffee Run will be the Windmill Run by James Ball on Sunday August 9th. We will again use Constant Contact to register for the run. We are targeting to have the link posted on the CVR website calendar this weekend with a note on when registration will go live.
Here is the remaining Coffee Run calendar at this time :
Date | Coffee Run | Runmeister |
Sunday 8/9 | Windmill | James Ball |
Sunday 8/30 | Early Bird Coffee Run Madison to Norwich | Rich Adua |
Sunday 9/13 | Westchester | James Ball |
Sunday 9/27 | Quabbin Reservoir | John Collins Steve Tougias |
Sunday 10/4 | Early Bird Coffee Run Scituate Reservoir Coffee Run | Rich Adua |
Saturday 10/24 | Kent Falls | James Ball |
Sunday 11/1 | Early Bird Coffee Run Guilford to Essex, CT | Rich Adua |
Safe Travels,
Maria Capella
CVR Tourmeister