Now that CVR has adapted to the challenges posed by the pandemic and resumed activities again, time seems to have sped up from slow motion to a more normal pace. It certainly helps the psyche to look forward to participating in CVR activities. A big Thank You to our fellow members who have organized and put on the CVR activities this year. While the number of events has been less this year, the quality of the events remains first class.
I appreciate our members pulling together with the steps we put in place in response to the Covid-19. Your safety and that of our volunteers is our top priority.
The CVR next board meeting will be on August 3rd, where we will review upcoming events with respect to the constraints of the pandemic guidance and will update the CVR website calendar as needed.
Seeing all the smiles of the participants of the Ice Cream Social Distancing Rally put on by our Rally Chairs Christine and Tim Beckwith is a sure indication that this rally designed for our current times was a success. The Virtual Concours put on by our Concours Chair Mike Keller had a tremendous participation and captured a beautiful group of Porsches.
Thanks to all the people who contributed articles for this month’s edition of Challenge. I am sure that our members will enjoy reading each one.
I cannot emphasize enough the key role our sponsors play in our ability to put on events. Please support them where you can.
Announcing the formation of the 2020 CVR Nominating Committee
Per the CVR bylaws, I have begun the process of forming the 2020 CVR Nominating Committee. One element of the process this year will be naming a replacement for the late Nicolas Esposito whose passing will surely be felt by the team of volunteers that keep the wheels turning at CVR. Nick did so many things to support the club and our enjoyment of the club’s activities.
Poking around the PCA YouTube site, this caught my eye: all 750 Panorama covers in 13 minutes (if you are in a hurry there is a 2 minute version but you may want to take Dramamine® before watching)
Be safe and looking forward to seeing you at a future CVR event.
Phil Capella
CVR President