The weekend before the Coffee Run, as is my custom, I did a pre-run check of the route. No detours for construction, no bridges out. Everything was fine.
Then Tropical Storm Isaias hit.
Given the damage reports in Fairfield and Westchester Counties, I decided to check the route again the day before the Run. This time, there were a couple of places that had trees hanging over the road, and two other roads were completely closed. Time to make some changes.
I made adjustments to the route on the printed directions, but not to the route that was programmed into the RideWithGPS app. Truthfully, I was hoping the problem areas would be cleared. And by the time the ride got underway, one problem was cleared, and one was not but was very easy to get around. So far, so good.
We had 34 Porsches signed up in advance, but a number of people had to cancel because they had no power at home or there were trees down that prevented them from getting their cars out. So, we ended up with 25 Porsches attending.
With that many cars, we staged next door to the Parkway Diner at the Burger King in Stamford. The Drivers meeting started at about 9:05 am, and by 9:10 we were on our way to our 1st stop at Starbucks in Ridgefield, CT. Of the 25 starters, 24 cars made it. Several made wrong turns but got back on track and only one packed it in. We hung out for about 40 minutes (there was only one bathroom open) and continued our Run.
It was sunny and warm, and the roads were great. There were a few trees down here and there, but we made our way without incident to our lunch stop. By the time we arrived, the group had 4 more cars drop out, so 21 Porsches pulled into the lot at Five Guys. As it turned out, their power was out. On the bright side, we all had a chance to talk and hang out on a gorgeous day, spaced appropriately. Then, one by one, we said goodbye and headed out.
I think this makes 45 Coffee Runs I’ve done for the club. I, for one, enjoy them very much. On a personal note, my buddy Ron has been riding shotgun with me for 2 years and I’ve always told him he “needs a Porsche”. Well, he got a Macan back in February (just before the Pandemic hit) and finally joined his 1st Coffee Run as a member. Welcome, Ron.
It doesn’t matter if your Porsche is brand new or very old. It is truly the People that make this club what it is. See you on the next one.