Challenge Staff

Editorial Staff


Caroline W. Abba Editor-in-Chief
Susan Vaccaro Assistant Editor
Michael Amici Editorial Assistant
Walt Hyjek Editor at Large




Mike Appel  Challenge Advertising


Art Direction


Shelley Krohengold  


Contributing Writers and Photographers


Phil Capella Jeffrey Coe
Dave Vaccaro Susan Vaccaro
Paul Roth Paul Kudra
Jay Harder Jim Jannette
John Karam Marc Carson
Ed Hyman Joe Kunecki
Roger Garbow Lynn Keller
James Ball Joe Morrow
Christine Beckwith Tim Beckwith
Jerry Charlup Todd Pajonas
Bob Reinckens Bill Shaw

Uncredited photos/text and illustrations: Editor


The CHALLENGE is the bi-monthly publication of the Connecticut Valley Region, Porsche Club of America. Statements appearing in Challenge are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the CVR Board of Directors or CHALLENGE Editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all materials submitted for publication. CVR/PCA is not responsible for any services or merchandise advertised herein. Permission to reprint any material published in CHALLENGE is granted provided full credit is given to CHALLENGE and to the author.

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© 2021 Connecticut Valley Region, Porsche Club of America, all rights reserved.