The Mart is a free service to PCA members. PCA Members may submit non-commercial ads including PCA Membership # and region using the Place Ad link below. All ads will run for two months and are subject to editing and review. Commercial or non-PCA member ads are $15 and must be paid for at the time the ad is submitted.
What to include in your ad
For best results, put as much information into the ad about the item(s) you’re selling as you can. Adding information about colors, special features, availability, etc will help sell your item(s) as quickly as possible.
What NOT to include in your ad
The basics. No profanity. No humor. These are classified ads and neither is relevant to the sale of your items.
You will need to add your email address to the advertisement via the email field in the Place Ad form in order to place your ad. If someone wants to respond to your email, they will be able to can click on your name and respond to the ad via a form that hides your email address. This is intentional and is done to keep your contact information private. Please do not include your email address or phone number to the text of your ad. If you do it will not be private anymore.
Four (4) images may be included with your ad. Images must be:
- No larger than 2560 pixels wide, 1920 pixels high
- No smaller than 640 pixels wide, 480 pixels high
- .1 MB (that’s 100K) or less in size. Photos larger than 100K will not load.
- PNG, JPG, JPEG, or GIF format.
The first photo you upload should be the photo you want as your featured photo. Images must have license plate information blurred or hidden in such a way that the information is not readable. Images that clearly show license plates information are not permitted. We are sorry, but video is not allowed.