Welcome Potential New Members

Lisa J. Parker, CVR Membership Chair

Hello again , thank you for your interest!

The Porsche Club of America (PCA) is the largest independent, single-marque car club in the world. The Connecticut Valley Region (CVR) was founded in 1959 and consists of over 3,400 members/co-members in Connecticut and the nearby area. As a club, we strive to offer a variety of events ranging from autocross to rallies, car shows, to charity causes and sports events to special gatherings.  Beyond Connecticut Valley Region, you also have access to PCA Zone 1 events throughout New England, and PCA National Events. Those opportunities, as well as brief descriptions and links to photo galleries or videos, are listed below.  The club’s goal is simple: the enjoyment of all Porsche models, by all their owners! I hope you’ll find something there that piques your interest

If you own a Porsche and you are not a member of the club, I believe you’re missing a lot of fun. Joining is easy (you can click here to sign up); and, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any of the activity chairs via the form on our Contact page.


Fall and Spring Tours

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Tours typically start with the participants arriving at a designated hotel on Friday night. There is a group breakfast on Saturday morning, after which the group travels along mostly scenic, twisty roads to a lunch venue. Participants have the afternoon on their own for exploration on their way back to the hotel. There is a group dinner Saturday evening. The tour ends with another group breakfast on Sunday. 2021 Event: tbd.

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Coffee Runs

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Coffee Runs are typically a one-half day event, either Saturday or Sunday morning. There is a driver meeting where detailed directions are provided and any last-minute changes in the course are discussed. Participants drive as a group on scenic country roads at legal speeds. Coffee Runs are held in the Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts areas. 2021 Events: Apr 3, Apr 25, May 9, May 23, Jun 5, Jun 27, Jul 18, Jul 25, Aug 1, Aug 14, Aug 29, Sep 25, Sep 26, Oct 2, Oct 31.

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Monthly Member Meetings

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Monthly Meetings are organized so that members can learn and discuss topics ranging from car restoration, to driving techniques, to hearing a championship driver, tech expert or vintage restorer share their expertise.  A range of truly spectacular collectors’ cars, car parts, and accessories are often on display.

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Concours supposedly date back to the 17th Century French aristocracy who showcased their fanciful carriages in full-blown parades; but, over time, as transportation evolved, so did Concours. Today, Concours is a competition of the quality and appearance of a car based on restoration, to a state exceeding when the car just came out of the factory. 2021 Event: Sep 18.

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High Performance Driver Education

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The CVR Driver Education Program enables Club members to learn the safe handling of their Porsches by providing driver instruction in a track environment. CVR has earned a reputation, over many years, of providing highly organized and smoothly run events, with the emphasis always on safety. 2021 Events: Feb 27, Apr 12, Apr 22, May 10, Jun 14 & 15, Jul 12, Aug 14, Sep 11, Oct 4, Nov 6.

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Autocross (AutoX)

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Autocross is a very exciting form of motorsport held at typical street and highway speeds emphasizing precise car control in a low-cost, friendly, and safe competition. Learn and rapidly refine advanced driving skills and techniques in the non-threatening and safe environment of a course marked by traffic cones in a large parking lot. 2021 Events: May 8, Jun 19, Jul 10, Aug 14, Sep 11, Oct 9.

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Club Race

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PCA Club Racing offers a chance to test your competitive driving skills in actual wheel-to-wheel competition – down the straights, when making late-breaking moves into a corner, and essentially anywhere else on track. PCA Club Racing Rules are strictly enforced to discourage car-to-car contact and rough driving, ensuring a highly competitive but clean racing series. 2021 Events: Apr 23 & 24

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Rallies are fun and competitive events that take place on public roads with the objective of following a specified course. Rally is a collaborative activity that requires little equipment to get started. All you need besides your Porsche is a driver, navigator, clipboard, and pencil. CVR offers two kinds of rallies: Gimmick and TSD (time-speed-distance). 2012 Events: Jun 6, Jul 1-17, Sep 12.

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Photography Club

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The Photography Club is where members interested in automobile photography can meet and discuss aspects related to this special photographic genre. Photography club members also have opportunities to provide photographic coverage for many CVR events.

Online Store

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The CVR Store is the region’s electronic store where members can purchase shirts, jackets, hats, bags, etc., featuring the CVR logo. It offers full-color embroidered logos and features products made by Nike, Eddie Bauer, New Era, just to name a few. When you purchase CVR products from the CVR Store, a portion of the proceeds goes to support CVR activities.

Community Service

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As a reflection of its motto, “It’s not just the cars, it’s the people,” a mission of CVR is to give back to its community by both making financial contributions and by donating time to local charities.

Special Events

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Special Events include social activities such as the CVR Annual Meeting/Photofest where awards are given for various activities and where members display their photos related to everything Porsche. The Porscheplatz at the IMSA race at Lime Rock is another special event where members socialize while enjoying a trackside tent to view races and to hear guest speakers.

Challenge Magazine

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In the years since the club’s founding, Challenge Magazine has gone from a single mimeographed sheet of paper to a 60-page publication printed on high-quality stock. Today’s Challenge is now a fully digital “ezine” and smartphone app with well-written content, entertaining videos, and full-color photo galleries from fabulous photographers.

The Mart (Classifieds)

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The Mart is CVR’s self-service, classified marketplace. CVR  members can advertise, free of charge, their cars for sale as well as car parts, memorabilia, etc. The Mart is also where members can place ads for cars and parts that they’d like to buy. Privacy is important to CVR so the names and email addresses posted on The Mart are available only to Club Members.

Join The Porsche Club of America

The Porsche Club of America celebrates the finer things in life. We desire the comfort of good friends and good conversation, and we praise to a fault the world’s finest automobile. Since its founding in 1955, our close-knit community of Porsche owners has grown to 145 regions throughout the United States and Canada. If you own a Porsche, join now!

We race each other, show our prized possessions, and conduct rallies, autocrosses and tours. The club sponsors driver education, Porsche restoration, and technical sessions. Each of us know our Porsche – or Porsches if we’re lucky – inside and out. We even have an award-winning magazine, Porsche Panorama, which tells our stories and provides and insider view to everything Porsche.

The Porsche experience reaches across the cars and the years to people, binding together the family whose name the cars bear, the men and women who design and build them, and those across the world who drive and cherish them.

We know the unbridled joy that a Porsche can provide, and we’ve built a community around that very feeling. The Porsche Club of America offers driving experience, technical assistance and camaraderie second to none. If you’re as obsessed as we are about Porsche, join our club today. The road awaits.

If you’re not yet a Porsche owner and are actively looking for a used Porsche to buy, consider our PCA Test Drive program.