Columns Editor's Notes

Between The Lines

Just Around the Bend

In this months issue of Challenge I have made some substantial changes in how upcoming event information is presented. Members do not need to be reminded that all CVR positions are volunteer. Many of us have full-time jobs and spend countless additional hours working with the club and on club events. Having said that, please do not expect Challenge to arrive in your mailboxes by the first of the month. For that reason the current months event pages have been ommited (Monthly Meetings, Coffee Runs etc.). Instead, the following months events are presented. This is the plan going forward.

We should all be checking the CVR Website on a regular basis for updates as that is where the most current information is to be found. Most importantly, if you are not currently on the CVR Email list you are missing out on the most timely information on registration-based events so that you can sign up and ensure you have a seat. If you are not receiving our Emails please contact us at to stay on top of the most current information.

It’s hard to believe that fall is just around the bend, but that means it is time for a few major events. The Fall Tour is first up, on September 14-16, once again based at the beautiful Crowne Plaza in Warwick, RI. Saturdays tour looks to be an exciting one, on some great “Porsche Roads” running through Southeastern Massacusetts and Rhode Island coastal areas. The lunch stop this time will be at the Newport Auto Show on the grounds of the Newport Auto Museum! Check the CVR Website calendar for information or use you phone or tablet to read the QR CODE at the bottom of this page.

On October 13th CVR will once again be visiting with Wayne Carini at his F40 Motorsports in Portland, CT. If you don’t recognize that name, Wayne is the host of Chasing Classic Cars, a television documentary series that looks at classic cars from all eras, focusing on finding, restoring and auctioning some of the rarest cars on the planet. This will be a very popular event, check the website as more details will be available soon.

Wrapping up our 2018 season is the CVR Annual Meeting & PhotoFest on Saturday, October 27th. I encourage you to join us there, bring along your best photos and enjoy a lively evening with like-minded Porsche enthusiasts. Further information will be posted on the CVR website very soon.

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