Photos as noted on JPEGs: Tim Beckwith, Cheryl Caouette
It’s not just the cars … it’s the instructions.
As many of you already know, the October rally was the last rally organized by Lon Hultgren and it turned out great. Even though it was a little damp in the morning, the weather cooperated and we even had some convertibles with the tops down. The rally started at the Baker’s Dozen and zig zagged its way through Pomfret to Ashford ending at the Midway Restaurant. The fall Rally was a sampler of the different types of Rallies Lon has run over the years as Rallymaster. The rally was separated into 4 parts and participants were asked to use pictures to ID locations, answer questions about the area, and still somehow manage to stay on the tricky course. This all coincided with a poker run where participants received a card at each checkpoint with the highest hands winning prizes.
All in all, we had 15 teams participate in the event. There were a total of 183 possible points if a team managed to execute everything perfectly. Third and fourth place were separated by only 3 points. The top two teams performed very well. John and Victoria Eskew took second place with 134 points; 10 points above the third place team. The winners of this year’s fall rally were Zachary & Melissa Little with a great score of 158. In addition to receiving the first place award for the fall rally, they had the highest combined score between both the spring and fall rallies making them the 2017 recipients of the Rallyist of the Year Plaque awarded at the November Annual Meeting. The award was established with the understanding that if a team wins the award 3 times the plaque is retired. Since Zachary & Melissa received the award last year as well, they only need one more win to retire this plaque so the competition is on in 2018!
As we move into 2018, we will be taking over the mantle from Lon as Co-Rallymasters and are excited at the opportunity to put together new and challenging rallies. As we are writing this article in November, we are currently scouting for a location for the spring 2018 Rally, but will be in full planning mode once the new year is officially underway. The expectation is that the spring rally will be somewhere in the Westbrook/Killingworth/Clinton area. Stay tuned for more to come on that in future issues of Challenge. With the assistance from the amazing Rally volunteers, we hope to keep you second guessing that last turn and rereading the instructions for years to come.
Christine and Tim Beckwith