Columns Editor's Notes

Between The Lines – Winter 2018

This is our last issue of 2018, it covers both the months of November as well as December, because once again CVR will be producing a color calendar in lieu of a twelfth issue of Challenge.

That being said, the first thing I would like to do is acknowledge all of the CVR Board Members, Activity Chairs and other contributors who work to ensure that this publication is relevant to all of our members. Many thanks to the writers and photographers who take the time to send in their stories and photos, our copy editor, Nancy Giacalone, as well as Charles Young, Allen Fossbender and Susan Vaccaro who I have pressed into service on more than one occasion. Lastly, our Advertising Chair, Dan Cooley who has the arduous task of finding and following up with our advertisers.

With this issue we also bid farewell to a few board members and activity chairs whose terms have come to an end. Most notably our President and long-time CVR member Dick Strahota who has not only finished his term, but has also moved out of the region to warmer climate. I am going to miss his thoughtful, calm leadership but wish Dick and wife Trish the best of luck in their new home. Our long-time Tourmeister and Webmeister Phil Capella will be trading two jobs for one very important one when he takes over the wheel as our new CVR President in January.

The other person who is going to be sorely missed, particularly by me here at Challenge is our Photo-Club Chair, John Karam, as John and wife Mary Alice have also left the region to retire down south. If you are familiar with this publication you know that John has been responsible for many of the great images you have seen, but beyond that his disciplined approach to photography and organizational skills have ensured that CVR events have always been well-covered by other members of the CVR Photo Club, of which he is the founder. We are fortunate that Paul Roth has stepped up to take over where John left off and look forward to working with him in the coming year.

Our Emporium Chair, Joe Kunecki has done a fantastic job revitalizing the club store, next year he is going to include another important activity to his busy schedule as he takes over Mike Keller’s post as Club Secretary. This will free Mike up to move into the position of Webmeister, a key point, as this position is going to become increasingly important. As Dick Strahota alluded to in his column there are going to be some substantial changes in the way that we communicate with our membership over the coming months. The financial issues relating to producing and mailing a printed publication, coupled with the inability to find a replacement for yours truly—combine to make a printed version of Challenge impractical. The details of our transition from print to a digital platform are still being worked out and will be shared with membership when finalized.

The planning for next year’s event schedule is already underway and the full CVR board will meet in mid-January to finalize dates and venues for Monthly Meetings, Tours, Rallys, Coffee Runs, AutoCross and Driver Education days. Dates and times will be published to the calendar on the CVR website and in Challenge as they become available. Since printed publications need to be prepared several weeks in advance of their printing and mailing dates it is important to check the website for the most up-to-date information to stay abreast of any last minute changes.

Lastly, I am now into my ninth year of producing this publication and although I enjoy working on this magazine I am also looking forward to a bit of down time before rotating into another position within the CVR family. Creating the Challenge every month has been rewarding in countless ways, most importantly, that tenure here has enabled me to make so many good CVR friends! I am looking forward to experiencing what our new Webmeister and Social Media Chairs have in store for us in the coming years.

Best wishes for a joyous holiday season and a Happy & Healthy New Year!

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