We thought that it just could not get any better after our great DE in July. Then we had another great DE on August 10 – a full day at Lime Rock Park, on a Saturday. We filled our rungroups, from Beginners to Advanced drivers to Instructors. Everyone got plenty of track time and had lots of fun. For those that stayed until the end, we had a pizza gathering before heading home.

CVR held our DE event along with an AutoCross in the B Paddock. As usual, Paul Kudra and his team put on a first-class AutoCross event. Some of our DE drivers made it a dual-day, doing both the track event and the AutoCross course. It was really nice to have both activities participating simultaneously at one venue.

We have had a busy season with just a few events remaining on the 2019 schedule. For our Advanced drivers, we have two days at Watkins Glen on October 7 & 8. This is a very popular event with only two rungroups and tons of track time. We will also have a dinner at the Harbor Hotel on Monday night, after our first day on track. It’s a fun social gathering and pretty much everyone that comes to the event signs up for the dinner. I hope that as you are reading this article you are thinking “I should register” and switch over to ClubReg to do so.

To wrap up the DE season, we will have two days at Lime Rock Park on Friday Nov 1st and Saturday Nov 2nd. The Friday event will be for our Advanced drivers, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., with only two rungroups. The Friday event is a late addition to our schedule. If you haven’t marked ClubRegistration.net for a registration reminder, sign on to your account and set the reminder. Our Saturday event will be for all rungroups – Beginner, Solo and Instructors. Yes, another full-day Saturday. We are very happy to have these full-day Saturdays because the vibe in the paddock is one of camaraderie and friendship. For our Beginner drivers, remember to register early. Registration opens on Sept 15th for both November DE dates at LRP.

I hope to see you at one of our season-ending events. It will give you something to think about during the long, cold winter and something to look forward to in April.
Have fun, be safe and remember, Gas is Glue.