September gave us a great harvest of events including Autocross, Coffee Runs, Driver Education, Rally, Monthly Meeting at Hoffman Porsche and Treffen Vermont. A special thanks to all the activity chairs and volunteers who make it possible for us to participate in these great events.
For those of us who store our cars through the winter Mother Nature is whispering in our ears that the time is getting near. We still have some great events coming up in October that I hope you can take advantage of, plus that Porsche sound makes it harder to hear Mother Nature whispering.
The culmination of the 2019 CVR activities will be the 60th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday evening, November 23, 2019, at the charming Saint Clements Castle in Portland, CT. The annual Photofest will also take place that evening. Music and Photobooth will be provided by HG Entertainment to ensure a fun time for all (P.S. – Don’t forget your dancing shoes). Registration and event details:
The 2019 CVR Awards for Autocross, Concours, Driver Education, and Rally will be presented at the 60th Celebration. The CVR Overall awards for Rookie of the Year, Enthusiast of the Year and the Frank Carrington Award will also be presented.
The CVR Nominating Committee, Roger Funk (Chair), Bob Napoletano and Nick Esposito are working to provide candidate nominations for the following CVR officer positions whose term ends in 2019:
Vice President, Programs
Vice President, Driver Education
Vice Treasurer, Driver Education
Safe Travels,