With just a tease of Fall in the air, the CVR PCA September members monthly meeting began as the sun was setting in East Hartford. Our hosts for the evening were our friends at Hoffman Porsche. Louis Forte and the entire staff transformed the service area into a standing room only presentation area. Louis gave us updates on the current events going on at Hoffman, including the reveal of the highly anticipated Porsche 992. That was held on Wednesday evening, October 23, 2019.

Following a great dinner, we started our meeting with updates on upcoming fall events such as the Fall Rally, Coffee Runs, Drivers Ed, AutoX and the Hoffman Cup. Please check CVR PCA website calendar, our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages for upcoming events.

Our presenters for the evening were Alex Jones and Christian Mead from Automobile Auto Salon in West Haven. Their business focuses on “Style, Protect and Maintain” which rings true with every Porsche owner. The presentation introduced us to some of the new technology in their specialized fields as well as recent updates at Automobilia. They focused on advancements in ceramic coatings, paint protection films, Bray windshield protection and the new GlassParency protection. We thank them for staying after and answering all the Q&A from our members.
Thank you to everyone who came out to join us.
Joseph Morrow, Program Coordinator, Social Media Chair