There are lots of ways to try and make your Porsche faster. However, whether you are a seasoned DE Instructor or new to high-performance driving, there is only one way that is a virtual guarantee. Invest $40 in yourself and participate in a CVR AutoX. Then every car you drive will be faster! These two award recipients are proof.
2019 Autocross Most Improved Driver

Mike Appel earned the 2019 Autocross Most Improved Driver award. That wasn’t easy since he had earned the 2018 Autocross Rookie of the year award. All year, event by event, Mike’s determination to keep progressing was apparent. He worked hard to absorb and apply all of the AutoX-U lessons and sought extra Instructor feedback to help him reach his goal. AutoX Chief Instructor Ed Bogue and I both noticed how well Mike was driving this year. Sure enough, after crunching the math, Mike had the biggest improvement of the season! Last year he finished the AutoX Championship in 24th but this year he improved to 17th. Wow…that’s not easy with the depth of the good drivers also raising their game! On top of that, his championship point tally (reflecting his percentage from the fastest time) had the biggest gain of everybody, advancing 5.5% since last year. That’s hard evidence that Mike’s investment has paid off and that the AutoX-U curriculum does indeed result in “Better Driving…Faster!”
There is one downside to this honor, however. Now Mike will need a larger name tag to reflect this unprecedented back-to-back achievement!
2019 Autocross Rookie of the Year

Raghu Sangabhathula also proved that the AutoX-U program is a great investment. Raghu earned Autocross Rookie of the Year honors for 2019 with his impressive debut. Thanks to Joe Morrow’s push to expand CVR’s Social Media presence, Raghu learned about CVR’s AutoX program. He discovered this just days before the first event in May but quickly joined CVR-PCA, registered, and started his AutoX career. This lightning speed must have been a sign of how Raghu would take to high-performance driving, as he proved to be a quick study from the beginning. He attended four of the five AutoX events, only missing the one due to a flat tire about a day before that AutoX (and by overnighting a replacement tire he almost made that event). Paying close attention to each AutoX-U lesson and immediately applying what he learned he steadily refined his already good driving skills. At the end of the season, Raghu finished an impressive 16th position in the AutoX Championship, then he made an equally impressive debut at his first Hoffman Cup Run Off event. Of further note, this was done in his stock 2009 Cayman, proving that upgrading your driving skills is indeed the best investment.
2019 Autocross Overall Champion & 2019 Hoffman Cup Champion

With appreciation for the nice words from AutoX Chief Instructor and resident driving guru, Ed Bogue, I was humbled to accept two awards this year. The first, Overall Autocross Champion, is helped by equipment choices, so to I strive to demonstrate that I practice what I preach on the driving side by setting a good example. This further fuels my passion for teaching those driving skills and I am grateful for the opportunity to help others on that journey.
The second award I was blessed with this year is truly special, the 2019 Hoffman Cup Champion. In my quest to constantly improve my own driving skills I am again humbled and proud to receive this award considering how high the driving skill level has risen each year at CVR AutoX’s. The only thing higher than the group’s collective driving skill level is the group’s camaraderie and helpfulness to all of the CVR AutoX drivers. This is what I am most proud of and I thank everyone for making it so rewarding to be a part of CVR AutoX.
If you haven’t tried AutoX before, I extend a warm welcome to join us next season. Check out some helpful AutoX information and take a virtual drive of each course on our CVR AutoX web page.
CVR AutoX, a great investment guaranteed to make your Porsche faster! Better Driving…Faster!