Is So-Cal. Porsche Paradise? In some ways yes, but I know of a better one…
“Rock” Star!
How do you become a Rock Star? CVR Club Race winner Alex Au shows us.
Channel your car’s IROC heritage with a remarkably fun day.
Legends: HANS, Hurley, and Easton!
Have you experienced these true Legends? If not, here is your chance, and how you can be part of another one…
BOOM! Deer “Meets” Porsche
The life and death stare-down was as memorable as it was brief. What would you have done?
Scientific Proof – AutoX Enlarges Your Brain
Helmet feeling a little snug after a season of AutoX-University? It may not be just your imagination…
Two of the most unique events in all of PCA and the world. See what makes the Hoffman Celebration and the legendary Hoffman Cup events thrive a decade later…
Reading is Fundamental
The first “AutoX Pre-Drive Zoom call” helped elevate “reading” to a new level. Find out why…
Announcing the New “AutoX Pre-Drive Zoom Call”!
“Better Driving…Faster!” is not just a slogan. Join the latest CVR AutoX innovation to help you realize that claim at Lime Rock Park.
Give Me a Brake!
Avoiding “orange deer” is the best way to help avoid their real-world cousins. Sign up for the August 6th AutoX by Wednesday to refine your emergency braking skills that can do just that.
It Takes a Village to Raise a Forest
The encouragement and camaraderie of CVR is a vital ingredient that helps each of us do our best and keep growing. Wins at the Parade are a shared victory and the seedlings of future accomplishments for many.
A Good Bet!
CVR enthusiasts had another great day of driving dynamics, fun, and friendship that beat the odds! See why and join us on July 9th.
Now I See!
53 drivers went home from the first CVR AutoX with better Vision skills and big smiles!
See why for yourself. Join the next AutoX-U class on May 28th.
Pizza Powered Porsches!
CVR’s first AutoX is upon us, April 16th. While you are registering, see how pizza can actually make your Porsche a bit faster! 20 of the fastest AutoX drivers prove the point…
One Minute There!
How does CVR stack up to the other 145 PCA Regions when it comes to AutoX events? How many of them even have an AutoX Program? More importantly, what does that mean for you, the CVR member, whether or not you have any interest in driving competitively or fast?
Better Drivers?
Does driving a Porsche make you a “better driver”? See some CVR examples to help you answer that question. Then join us this season to earn the right to say “yes”!