
What a Day

This article originally appeared in the November 2010 issue of Challenge.

For a track junkie, what could be better than spending an entire day driving cars on a race track? How about spending an entire day driving cars on a race track being coached by a professional driving instructor!

The CVR Club day at the Fairfield Concours d’Elegance is an impressive event; but this year was really special when my name was called as the winner of a raffle for a Lime Rock Drivers Club track day.  As I deliberated about what to do with my prize, not fully understanding what was being offered; I received a call from Lynette Veitenheimer, executive manager of the LRDC, who explained exactly what I was lucky enough to have won. She made it all sound very appealing and emphasized, “You’re going to have a great time!” So I chose an available day and signed up.

My perception of the LRDC had been vague at best. I’ve watched the “others” driving during alternative hours at several DE events and was often curious as to what they were trying to accomplish; a variety of cars driving around the track relatively alone and frequently traveling in and out of the pit lane. Being a guest of the Club could be enlightening. Besides, I always had an itch to park my car in their reserved paddock area. From the moment I arrived at the track, Lynette and the Club team made every effort to make me feel welcome and comfortable, starting with a catered continental breakfast at the Club Chalet on the hill. After signing a waiver, Simon Kirby, the LRDC Director, and I reviewed how my day would be spent. The plan was simple; use the facilities, time, and professional coaching to improve my driving.

Simon, “the Brit”, was my pro driving instructor throughout the day, and he was by far the best “treat” for me. He’s a very experienced driver with many years involved with racing. We rode together for a track orientation, then he checked me out in the Club’s new BMW M3—my first time driving spiritedly with paddle shifters and a challenge to get used to. After several bouts of inadvertently flashing the headlights and turning on the windshield washers, I settled into following Simon’s expert coaching. Four hours of track time made it comfortable and easy to run several laps, pit to discuss what we were working on, then go out and try it all again. The format was always laid back with lots of time to review what we were attempting to achieve.

Simon occasionally switched seats to demonstrate a point.  Obviously, he was capable of driving well above my pace but settled at a speed to which I could relate. The variety of cars, sportsmanship and skill level of the drivers were impressive. The Club members were all enthusiastic about their cars and most importantly, they were there to have fun and mainly work on improving their driving skills. Just like me!

Following a delicious buffet lunch in the Chalet, we took to the track again to refine what I had been working on all morning. At that point, Simon encouraged me to apply the lessons learned in the M3 while driving my own track car. Naturally, more comfortable in my car, it all started to come together. Simon joined me as we practiced the earlier routine; drive several laps, pit to discuss, and then back on the track to try it again. At one point Simon drove my car for a few laps to demonstrate something I needed to see and feel. Wow! It was a real eye-opener to experience my cars potential! I could only imagine how quick he would be with more time in my car. For anyone delusional enough to think that you’re driving your car at its limit, give yourself a treat and a reality check by having a pro like Simon drive your car on a track. The exercise is enlightening, educational and humbling when you witness the car’s capability in really talented hands. The best lesson learned is that improving the car to increase performance is secondary to improving the driver.

When our time on the track was over, we returned to the Chalet to relax, have some refreshments, and chat about the day. Very civilized indeed. Even with all the track time, my day flew by, definitely on an adrenalin rush. I didn’t realize how exhausted I was until the drive home, sometimes thinking of Lynette’s promise, “You’re going to have a great time.” Actually, I had a fabulous time!

Jim Adelman (left) and Simon Kirkby (right)

About the Lime Rock Drivers Club

The Lime Rock Drivers Club was incorporated by Skip Barber in 2007 a couple of years after selling Skip Barber Racing School, so you can imagine that the primary focus is on coaching our members to be the very best high performance drivers they can be. The obvious way to achieve this goal was to provide abundant fully coached seat time, so the club rents around 55 DE days per year from LRP that offer a minimum 4 hours of DE track time along with Car Control Clinics and our 3 in house race series. Our exceptional group of private coaches are some of, if not the greatest coaches in the industry. From Skip Barber Racing instructors to professional race-car drivers, we have someone who will fit your needs and style. 

Putting that focus to one side the beauty of our Lime Rock Drivers Club is that the members are some of the nicest and most helpful car enthusiasts in the northeast, making for an extremely relaxed and enjoyable experience. Probably due to our all-inclusive benefits package that offers full hospitality for members and friends on DE and spectator race weekends, members tend to “hang” with friends in the clubhouse after a hard day of driving. New members are quickly and enthusiastically brought into the fold by “old hands”

If you are a gearhead, what could be better?

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