Sitting here on March 29th and writing this article, the changes we have experienced in the last few weeks are unprecedented. The CVR board along, with the PCA Executive Committee, moved quickly to take actions based on the belief that the health, safety, and well-being of CVR members, their families, and our sponsors were the highest priority.
The CVR board and activity chairs were in daily communication via emails and conference calls to review the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Connecticut State Department of Public Health, Governor Lamont’s Executive Orders and related health authorities who have described the dangers of the virus and have declared the urgency with which actions should be taken to minimize its transmission. The pace with which the guidance evolved in the period since March 14th makes the last 15 days seem so much longer. The CVR board’s meeting on April 6th will have a totally different focus than our last meeting on March 2nd. We will communicate future actions in a timely manner via email blast, social media, and Challenge.
Certainly, our lives have been turned upside down for the foreseeable future and also for our sponsors. Our sponsors share our passion for Porsche and the camaraderie our club fosters. Please consider doing what you can to support them in these difficult times and in the future when we are looking at the pandemic in our rearview mirrors.
Defeating the COVID-19 virus is our common goal and I am sure that each of us will be doing our part to minimize the ability of the virus to infect another person. For myself and I am sure for each one of you, my heartfelt gratitude goes to the people in the medical profession, emergency medical services, first responders, law enforcement, fire-fighters, our military forces, the people who provide essential services and the many others who are putting their health at risk for us.
I am sure our country, as in the past, will rise to the challenge by us looking out for each other.
Be safe,
Phil Capella
CVR President