We certainly have had a warm summer, albeit a stormy one this year. I hope that you have recovered if you suffered the direct impacts of the storms. We have had a few days in late August with a little bit of a chill in the air that reminds us that time is marching on. Another reminder for me is announcing the members of the nominating committee.
2020 CVR Nominating Committee
Per the CVR bylaws Article 6, Election of Officers, Section 1 Nominating committee, I would like to announce the members of the 2020 Nominating Committee:
Roger Funk – Chairperson
Bob Napoletano
Lisa Parker
Thank you to Roger, Bob and Lisa for performing this critical role in the club. I am confident that they will provide a slate of candidates the will serve the club well.
This year the following officer positions are up for a 2 year term:
- President
- Executive Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Vice President of Autocross
- Vice Treasurer of Club Race
Arlene and Jim Hoffman – 50th Anniversary as PCA Members
Special thanks to Jeff Price of the PCA Carolinas Region for writing this piece and to our very own Prescott Kelley for doing the research on Arlene and Jim’s contributions to CVR when they were members of our region. Congratulations to Arlene and Jim on this PCA milestone.
Reaching a 50th anniversary of anything these days is a significant accomplishment. So when August of 2020 brought 50 years of PCA membership to Arlene & Jim Hoffman, we had to smile and say “Congratulations”!

Jim and Arlene joined the Porsche Club of America and the Connecticut Valley Region in 1970. In their second year as members, Jim took over the region newsletter, “The Challenge”, and for the first time it began to appear regularly. In those days it was a few pages of folded sheets of photocopied paper. In his third year as editor he added the first “stiff paper” cover and the newsletter assumed the booklet identity it would keep for the next 50 years. Jim was editor for three years, 1971-1973, after which he became Connecticut Valley Region VP for one year in 1974.
Jim and Arlene were most recognized in the Connecticut Valley Region (CVR) for their 1968 burgundy 911 coupe, which they used to participate in many CVR and PCA events.
After spending more than 30 years with Connecticut Valley Region, Jim & Arlene moved to South Carolina and continued their PCA membership with the Carolinas Region, which is their region today.
They have attended at least 20 Parades over their 50 years of PCA membership. During the 60th Anniversary Parade in French Lick, Indiana, Jim & Arlene drove their ‘68 Porsche 911 Coupe which was used as the representation of the year 1968 at the “60 Years of Porsche Historical Exhibit”.
We wish Arlene & Jim a happy 50th PCA Anniversary and many more to come!
Jeff Price
Director – Upstate Area
Carolinas Region
Porsche Club of America
Hope to see you at one of the remaining 2020 CVR events.
Safe Travels,
Phil Capella
CVR President