Watching the fall foliage changing our view everyday brings home one of the extra benefits that we get for living in New England. The colors this year seem even more spectacular than normal and are a welcome diversion that we can enjoy while driving our Porsches. The fall foliage signals that time is marching on and another signal is that the view of the remaining CVR events on our website calendar now fits on my laptop screen without having to scroll down the page.

I hope you were able to participate in at least one CVR event so far this year or will do so with the remaining events. Fortunately, we have been able to put on our outdoor based activities while ensuring that the health and safety of our members, your families and our sponsors remains at the forefront of what we do. As always I can never say thank you enough to our activity chairs and volunteers for giving their time and talent so that we can have fun. This year has brought new challenges and they adapted to address them.
Please keep in mind our CVR sponsors when you are looking for services or products that they provide. I can only imagine the significant challenges they have had this year. We rely on the support of our sponsors and we certainly appreciate what they mean to our club.
Announcing the slate of nominees for the 2021 – 2022 term:
Per the CVR bylaws Article 6, Election of Officers, Section 1 Nominating committee, I would like to announce the 2020 Nominating Committee report on the slate of nominees of the 2021 – 2022 term as follows:
President, Allen Fossbender
Executive Vice President, Shelley Krohnengold
Secretary, Christine Beckwith
Treasurer, Don Phelan (2021)
Treasurer, Tim Beckwith (2022)
VP of Autocross, Paul Kudra
Vice Treasurer of Club Race, Deborah Cloud
I want to thank the nominating committee: Roger Funk – (Chair), Lisa Parker and Bob Napoletano for their work in developing this slate of nominees.
The slate of nominees will be voted on at the Annual Meeting. Per the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the plan is to conduct the Annual Meeting via web/teleconference on November 10, 2020 at 7pm. The details on the meeting will be provided as we get closer to the date.
I hope to see you at one of the remaining 2020 CVR events.
Safe travels,
Phil Capella
CVR President