View from the Valley
Columns Presidents Message

View from the Valley – November 2020

Looking at the CVR 2020 calendar, it mirrors the progression of the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact. From January through March activities occurred as planned. We hunkered down in April and May with all activities cancelled. In June we started to put on activities in accordance with the Covid-19 guidelines and with mitigations in place.

Thirty-one CVR activities were held in 2020 between Autocross, Coffee Runs (Tour), Concours, Driver Education, Monthly Meetings and Rally. I am sure I can speak for our members in thanking the activity chairs and volunteers for making this possible by providing their time and talents. Based on the conversations I have had with our members, these events were greatly appreciated.

I want to thank our sponsors for their ongoing support in this difficult year and in prior years. CVR’s ability to put on activities is directly related to our sponsor’s support. Please consider the services our sponsors provide as we either prepare our vehicles for winter hibernation or for driving through the winter. The challenges that CVR faced this year pale in comparison to what our sponsors experienced.

CVR 2020 Annual Meeting, November 10th at 7pm

CVR’s activities are winding down in November. We will be holding the Annual Meeting virtually this year. The plan is to use Zoom for an online meeting to conduct the CVR business we need to complete in 2020. The meeting will consist of 2020 remarks/summary of CVR activities presented by the president, a treasurers report on CVR’s financial status and the election of officers for the 2021-2022 term. The meeting will be held on November 10, 2020 at 7pm. An email blast will be sent on how CVR members can register to participate and a link to register will also be on the CVR website calendar.

2021-2022 CVR Slate of Candidates:
President, Allen Fossbender
Executive Vice President, Shelley Krohnengold
Secretary, Christine Beckwith
Treasurer, Don Phelan (2021)
Treasurer, Tim Beckwith (2022)
VP of Autocross, Paul Kudra
Vice Treasurer of Club Race, Deborah Cloud

Another video from the PCA YouTube channel that caught my eye:

PCA YouTube video

I hope you have a chance to drive your Porsche on a nice fall day.

Safe travels,

Phil Capella
CVR President

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