Congratulations to the slate of officers elected for the 2021-2022 term. I would like to express my appreciation to the CVR officers for the time and talent they provide to our club. The election was held at the 2020 CVR Annual Meeting on November 10th via a teleconference. Thank you to the nominating committee, Roger Funk (chair), Bob Napoletano and Lisa Parker for their dedication to CVR in performing this key service to our club.
The following slate was elected for the 2021-2022 term:
- President, Allen Fossbender
- Executive Vice President, Shelley Krohnengold
- Secretary, Christine Beckwith
- Treasurer, Don Phelan (2021)
- Treasurer, Tim Beckwith (2022)
- VP of Autocross, Paul Kudra
- Vice Treasurer of Club Race, Deborah Cloud
The following officers will be completing the 2nd year of their current term in 2021: Jeff Coe, VP Programs; Dave Vaccaro, VP DE; Susan Vaccaro, Vice Treasurer of DE
Thank you to Joe Kunecki who is completing his two year term as Secretary. He is the person that not only documents all the board meetings but also processes all our requests for insurance through PCA and resolving any issues that may arise. The amount of documentation for the insurance request was significantly increased this year due to the pandemic. I can speak for the board and say that we appreciate his dedication and enthusiasm. Joe will be involved with the CVR Club Race team next year and we look forward to his contribution in that endeavor.
2020 Overview
CVR had a good year despite the impact of the pandemic on all our lives. Credit for the success we had this year goes to the officers, activity chairs, volunteers and our members. We were able put on 31 events in 2020.
March was when we realized that things would be different this year. Guidance on the pandemic was changing every day. The Board quickly adapted and prepared for the time when we could again have events in line with the guidance on how to mitigate the risk. Other PCA regions were experiencing the same issues that we were. Cancelling events was counter to what we normally focus on, which is making events happen.
Our activity chairs put in place the additional steps and modifications needed to resume activities such as DE, Autocross, Coffee Runs, Rally and Concours. Rally and Concours also innovated some virtual approaches to holding events.
It cannot be expressed enough the thanks I have to all our activity chairs and volunteers for the extra effort they put in so we could have events to enjoy this year.
We as a club appreciate the venues such as Lime Rock, Watkins Glen and the Farmington Polo Grounds that accommodated the re-scheduling of events and the steps they took to reduce the pandemic risk at those events.
Finally I want to thank our sponsors who are going through this pandemic with challenges I can only imagine. Please consider them when you are looking for the services they provide. We really rely on their support to put on events. Hopefully we can be sure to support them in return.
Closing thoughts
This article will be my last article as President of CVR with my term ending at the end of December. The past two years went by very quickly. I appreciate all the members I had a chance to meet during my tenure. I want to thank Allen Fossbender, our Executive VP, for the invaluable support and counsel he provided. CVR will be in good hands with Allen as our president.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a happy new year. Looking forward to seeing you at a CVR event next year.
Safe travels,
Phil Capella
CVR President