No matter how hard we try, there is no way we can ignore the unusual times we are living in. Just one year ago, we were all meeting at Danbury Porsche, being introduced to the new Taycan without a mask in sight. But these days, we are now being instructed on how to double mask. Despite all that, life goes on. As you read this, it is already February and we are finally getting used to writing 2021 on our checks. The holidays have come and gone and we are all getting hunkered down to face the rest of the winter. Spring seems so far away.

But wait, it’s not all bad! February marks the month that is home to the CVR Store’s favorite holiday; Valentine’s day. Why is it our favorite holiday you may ask? The answer is very simple – it is the day we celebrate a whole day of LOVE! How can you dislike a day that celebrates a pure emotion such as LOVE?
Well, if you have read this far, I am really impressed!
We understand that there are challenges this year in trying to express your true feelings to that special person in your life. That special Valentine’s Day dinner is just not the same when you do it via Zoom. Those dozen red roses you had delivered will only wilt in a short amount of time. We, the CVR store, are more than happy to rise to the challenge that this holiday presents this year!
Remember, nothing, but nothing, says LOVE like a CVR t-shirt! (Wow, that was a really long way to go to hawk a t-shirt.) Yes, we do have red t-shirts. Yes, we have red CVR sweatshirts. Yes, we have red CVR baseball caps. What more could your true love ask for? And people say that the shopkeeper doesn’t have a heart.
Just always remember, they say love is fleeting. So, while the flowers and dinners are quickly forgotten, the CVR t-shirt will be there to remind you of the thing that is closest to your heart, your Porsche!
Don’t forget to visit the CVR store at:
Happy Valentine’s Day from the CVR Store! We hope we brought a little laughter to your day with this month’s column.