It is with great delight that I share that CVR’s President, Allen Fossbender, received notification from Vu Nguyen, PCA Executive Director, that Colin Patterson from our region won the 1st Grand Prize in the 2021 Porsche Club of American Spring Raffle – – a brand new 718 GT4 and $25,000 in cash!
A surprise celebratory event took place on Sunday, July 25, at Gusto’s Restaurant in Milford, CT with great representation from CVR’s Board of Directors, which included Caroline Abba, James Ball, Christine, and Tim Beckwith, Debbie and Rick Cloud, Jeff Coe, Carolyn, and Alan Davis, Allen Fossbender, Shelley Krohnengold, Joe Kunecki, Lisa Parker, Eric Richmond, and Paul Roth. Prior to the event, and using his critical and creative thinking, Allen invited Colin to the restaurant under the pretense that we were celebrating Colin’s winning a CVR drawing for free weekend use of a 2021 Porsche of his choice. However, unbeknownst to Colin, he actually won a GT4 for life! Allen worked secretly with Denise Magnia, Colin’s close friend, to invite his family members to the party. Denise kept the secret very well!
Allen kicked off the festivities by welcoming everyone and congratulating Colin for winning a Porsche for the weekend. As we were chatting and finishing our meals, into the room walk Colin’s brother and sister-in-law from New Jersey and Colin’s son from Manhattan. The look on Colin’s face was priceless! Wondering why his family was at the restaurant, Colin expressed surprise, “What? What’s going on?” (His sister arrived shortly after the announcement of the prize.)
Caroline Davis, the activity co-chair of special events, gave Allen the cue that it was time to have Vu, who was in Maryland, make the formal announcement to Colin. With Allen holding his cell phone on speaker, with Eric Richmond, editor-in-chief of Challenge, video recording, and with Alan Davis, co-chair of special programs; Paul Roth, chair of the CVR Photo Club; and Joe Kunecki, chair of the CVR store, taking photos from every angle, Vu announced to Colin that he was the 2021 PCA Spring Raffle grand prize winner. Colin was in shock. He was speechless!
Kudos to Rallymeisters, Chris and Tim Beckwith, for making a large banner for display at the announcement, and to all the board members who made the day memorable for Colin. Thank you, team! A great time was had by all – especially by Colin, Denise and his family. Please join us in congratulating Colin for winning a 2021 Cayman GT4 plus $25,000 in cash!