In about two months, our 48th, yes 48th(!), CVR People’s Choice Concours will be here. Get ready for another fun, family-friendly morning centered on all things Porsche. The event will include two featured special displays as well as twelve classes of Porsches spanning all models. In addition, we’ve incorporated two NEW elements – a charitable sock drive we’re calling “Sock-tober” and a kid’s LEGO Porsche show.
-In partnership with our Community Service team, all attendees are encouraged to donate socks
-A donation will earn you an additional voting ballot (also applies to spectators – donate socks, get a ballot!)
LEGO Porsches:
-For our youth attendees, all are encouraged to bring a LEGO Porsche that they’ve built
-We’ll have a display area and prizes will be awarded
The Concours will feature two components – a special display (non-judged) and twelve classes of Porsches (judged by people’s choice).
REGISTER NOW on MotorsportReg!
Special Display: (Non-judged – all registrants in this group receive a goodie bag)
–911 Turbo: All variants of 911 Turbos are welcome for this 45th-anniversary display (let’s break our record turnout from 2015)
–914: All variants of 914 are welcome for this 50th-anniversary display (this will be our first ever 914 display)

People’s Choice Classes: (Judged by people’s choice, so you’ve no excuse not to give it a try!)
(1) 356 (all variants)
(2) Early 911/912 (1964-1977)
(3) 911 (1978-1989)
(4) 911: 964/993
(5) 911: 996
(6) 911: 997
(7) 911: 991
(8) 911: 992
(9) 924/928/944/968
(10) Boxster
(11) Cayman
(12) Cayenne/Macan/Panamera/Taycan

For those planning to attend, here’s the schedule for the morning:
–ARRIVE between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
–VOTE between 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
–AWARD ceremony 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Event Details:
-Date: Saturday, October 2, 2021
-Time: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
-Price: $30 to enter your Porsche (No day of registration entries)
-Location: Farmington Polo Club, 162 Town Farm Rd, Farmington, CT 06032
REGISTER NOW on MotorsportReg!
A big THANK YOU to our title sponsor, Hagerty Insurance, for their continued support.

Questions? Contact Concours Chair, Mike Keller, at or 860-227-1184.