The CVR Photo Club is lucky to have many great photographers as members. It’s pretty much a guarantee that if a car event is going on, one of our photographers will be there taking great shots. This month I have asked Walt Hyjek to give some tips on taking photos at racing events.
Here are a few recommendations from Walt…
1) Position on the track.
A) Know where the action is for those action photos:
Curbs, chicanes, slow corners.
B) Anticipate the action and follow the cars.
Either panning or pre-focusing in an area the action is anticipated.
Panning only if a side shot. Doesn’t work if moving towards or away from you.
C) Watch backgrounds.
You don’t want the background to be a distraction from the car.
No billboards, look for possible car color contrast.
D) Lighting
Watch for windshield reflections. Keep it on your side if possible.
2) Camera
A) Lens- Need a zoom or at least 120-300 mm.
b) Stability- Monopod is a big help, usually you can’t use a tripod.
c) Aperture- Know the sweet spot of your lens and use that aperture preferably.
Check “Depth of Focus” usually > 10 ft.
d) Speed-(shutter speed not car speed).
I usually play around from 125-500 or faster. Try different speeds!
e) Mode-“Shutter Priority”.
I use this so I can keep my depth of focus and adjust my speed accordingly.
3) Practice
a) Go out and try different angles, positions on track, camera speed and see what you like and you can learn about your photo style.
Have a question for Walt? You can email him at
Photos by Walt Hyjek