Connecticut Valley Region hosted the annual “Member Sampler” at the Wyndham Hotel in Southbury on Saturday, April 9th. The event was a success with over 60 new and not so new members in attendance. Great turn out considering the rain early morning but it was very welcoming to see the sun and the beautiful array of cars for the concours!

We began the session at 9:00 with member, activity chair and sponsor introductions, a summary of the history and demographics of PCA and CVR and then transitioned to each activity chair giving a summary of their role and showcased activity. All attendees had the opportunity to get up-close and personal with all activity chairs, to gain more information and obtain a better understanding of each activity. We hope that the Activity Chair presentations and displays heightened the awareness of what CVR offers its members and family. For those of you who won a raffle prize, congratulations!
Many thanks to the activity chairs as they continuously afford an excellent experience to all members of Connecticut Valley Region. The volunteers that dedicate their time do a terrific job because it is enjoyable, and it is exciting to interact with the members that are loyal to the Porsche marque. Really, it’s not just the cars, it’s the people.
Many thanks to the following sponsors for their generous door prize donations and continued support!!

Mike Keller, CVR Concours Chair, coordinated the concours activity and the display of Porsches was remarkable!

I am pleased to announce the following winners of the Sampler Concours:

We encourage you to see what is going on at our website at
Until next time, clip those apexes, accelerate through the twisting turns, and keep the shiny side up! Hope to see you at the next event!!