Congratulations to Ed Bogue, CVR’s AutoX Chief Instructor, on besting all challengers at the 2022 Liqui Moly Lime Rock Invitational AutoX Shoot Out. The top 30, from over 300 year-long contenders, earned an invitation to contest the title at this annual event held at Lime Rock Park’s infield “AutoX course” (a mini road course). It brought out a lot of fast cars and talented drivers. Very well driven Vipers, late model Corvettes, winged Miatas on steroids, Ferrari’s, other Porsches, and all manner of other cars put on a great display of driving skill in great cars. It made Ed’s win even more impressive, especially seeing how he had to overcome obvious shock issues (three big oscillations after the bump). Years of CVR AutoX-U experience prevailed.
Congratulations also go to Tony Bogue for his impressive drive and car control display. Tony came in 5th overall by using his drifting skills to help the reluctant front end shocks. Style wise, he was the hands down winner. At least that’s the way about ten of us CVR AutoXers judged it from the knoll as we came to cheer them to glory.
Inspired by the CVR AutoX team spirit, CVR AutoX regular, Mike Appel, drove the course at the next Lime Rock AutoX event held the following Tuesday. Drizzle and inclusion of the wet skid pad into “the long-course” configuration let Mike shine. He utilized his throttle steering skill lessons honed at CVR’s AutoX-U to come in second fastest for the day. Proving to himself yet again that a well driven base Cayman can beat Ferraris, Turbos, and many other fast cars. Well done Mike and congratulations!