Aug 2: CVR AutoX @ Lime Rock Park – B Paddock

Lime Rock Park Paddock "B" 60 White Hollow Road, Lakeville, CT, United States

CVR AutoX at LRP - B Paddock August 2, 2025. Autocross is a very exciting form of motorsport held at typical street and highway speeds. It emphasizes precise car control in a low-cost, friendly, and safe competition. Learn and rapidly refine advanced driving skills and techniques in the non-threatening and […]

Sept. 13: CVR AutoX @ Lime Rock Park – B Paddock

Lime Rock Park Paddock "B" 60 White Hollow Road, Lakeville, CT, United States

CVR AutoX September 13, 2025  * Tentative until the Xifinity Concert schedule is firmed up in March/April. Autocross is a very exciting form of motorsport held at typical street and highway speeds. It emphasizes precise car control in a low-cost, friendly, and safe competition. Learn and rapidly refine advanced driving […]