So – you have not been to Palmer /Whiskey Hill Raceway or you just missed our August event. Well, that’s a real bummer for you. CVR completed a two day Friday/Saturday event with perfect weather for both days back in July. For those of you who have not driven the Palmer track, you are missing out on a real challenging, technical and fun track. It’s a track that makes you use your skill sets, for beginners through advanced drivers. You are always focused on the balance and placement of the car and it is a great place to learn and practice those skills you have already developed. At our last Palmer event, a lot of the drivers agreed that while the Palmer Motorsports track throws many challenging scenarios at the drivers, the drivers are beginning to get the hang of the flow and are enjoying it more each time. Every time we go back to the track we find ourselves making small adjustments on track from a little later turn-in at 4-5, to getting on the throttle a little sooner coming on to the Front Straight or where to turn-in at Turn One.
The organizers at Palmer Motorsports have been doing a great job with improvements at the facility. Every visit there we see more upgrades. They’ve added track-out pavement, added pavement in the paddock, added more tire walls and a host of other changes, both big and not as big. Fred, Chris and Al are always on hand throughout the day to assist with anything we need. If you haven’t been to Palmer or you have not been back since our early events there, you need to check out the Palmer track. We have added another Palmer date to our DE Calendar Saturday Sept 29. The event is for all of our Solo and Advanced drivers and our Instructors. We are going to be going in the Clockwise direction, which is a first for CVR. Since this is the first time going in the ‘other direction’, we decided to make it easier on the instructors, learning the track and the new turn-in and track-out points, without having to learn while trying to teach instructed drivers. The instructors can practice instructing on the solo drivers, perfecting the line and their instructing techniques.
If you are a CVR instructor and haven’t been to Palmer, this is the perfect event to come to since most of us will be starting from the beginning with learning the new direction. If you are a solo or advanced driver, this is a good event to try since we will have instructors in the cars, with everyone learning together. If you’ve been to Palmer with another club and don’t want an instructor in the car, that is okay too. As always, registration is on
After our newly added Palmer event in September, our Advanced DE at Watkins Glen will be on Monday/Tuesday, October 8 and 9. This will be our 3rd year having the event for Advanced Drivers and I can only say that this is a terrific event and if you can fit it into your schedule, you will be glad you did.
We have a few updated personnel changes in key DE positions. Joe Gawlik has agreed to take over the Assistant Track Chair position and Magnus Evertson has taken Joe’s spot as Chief Steward. With Joe’s experience it will be a pleasure to have him helping us with events and it is great to have Magnus in the Steward position. Big thanks to both Joe and Magnus for stepping up to volunteer their time.
Only a few events remain for 2018. Make this the year that you try DE or make it the year that you do more events than you have done in prior years.
See you at the track.