The CHALLENGE Challenge
I would like to make you aware of one of the more important strategic issues facing CVR’s Board of Directors — what decisions to make regarding the future of this publication. Challenge is a source of great pride within our region. Many of us have 20 or more years of back issues that we have read over the years and then faithfully hoarded/collected. We have enjoyed contributing an occasional article, photo or perhaps even a classified ad. Our supporters have used advertising in Challenge as an effective way to tell you about their products and services while making a meaningful financial contribution to our club. Our past Editors have won national recognition for their efforts. And our current Editor, Shelley Krohnengold, has taken the publication to an even higher level of excellence. What’s the problem then, you say? Well, there are three big issues with Challenge as it exists today…
The first issue is that we have been unable to find a replacement for our current Editor — even after two or more years of trying. Shelley can’t do this forever, folks. It’s one of the more time-consuming volunteer roles within our club. Without being sustainable from a volunteer perspective, the operating model of producing a printed monthly magazine at the current level of excellence is not really viable for much longer.
The second issue is financial. Challenge operates at a sizeable net loss for our club. It has more or less been that way for at least as long as I have been serving as part of CVR’s Board. Yes, the net losses are greater now due to increases in postage, even while our print costs have remained essentially flat and our advertising revenues have been very consistent. What has changed financially within the club is that we no longer generate excess revenues from our Club Race and our Driver’s Education program. In the past, excess revenues from these events went to subsidize many other club activities, including the production of Challenge. On the plus side, all PCA regions, including CVR, have been receiving generous subsidies from PCA to help offset these losses. If those subsidies were to go away for some reason, the losses from Challenge would drain the club’s reserves within a few short years.
Finally, the Challenge is arguably no longer the most effective means to communicate with you about upcoming events and activities of your club. Lead times inherent with the creation, production and distribution of printed material means that the information contained therein cannot ever be as timely as the other alternative communication methods available now. For example, its September as a write this and it will be close to Thanksgiving by the time you read it. I bet a lot has changed in the intervening time!
What to do?
The wide, nearly universal acceptance of the internet and social media platforms have changed our world in many ways, but certainly one positive is that these tools can enable more effective and timely communication of information at a significantly lower cost compared to print. Some digital platforms may also may be far easier to manage and operate from a volunteer perspective. Many other PCA regions, facing the same challenges outlined above, have already discontinued producing a printed magazine and are now using digital tools to more effectively and efficiently communicate with their members. In my opinion, the future direction for our Challenge must address each of the three key issues above: 1) Be more sustainable from a volunteer perspective, 2) Cost our club significantly less; and 3) Provide for more effective communication to our membership. No decisions have been made in this regard by the CVR Board, but it is time to seriously consider a new direction for Challenge.
As next steps, incoming CVR President, Phil Capella, will be working with Shelley, Mike Keller — CVR’s incoming Webmeister and Social Media Chair, and the rest of the CVR Board to find the best solutions to meet the club’s future needs. I’m sure they will give you plenty of notice of any changes and would also welcome any thoughts or perspectives on the Challenge challenge.
Finally, I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving!