If you were not at our May 18th LRP DE you may have missed one of our best track days of the year. We couldn’t have asked for a nicer day – we had plenty of sunshine, perfect temperatures and not a hint of precipitation all day long. Everything was just perfect.

Our DE day was shared with the Lime Rock Drivers Club – we each had the track every other hour. They had a member’s race with spec Miatas and a few CVR instructors, who also belong to the Lime Rock Club, did the race and instructed at the CVR DE.

Our long-time DE sponsor Danbury Porsche sent Mike DeMilt up to Lime Rock Park with a beautiful Macan GTS to display. Mike was on hand to answer all questions that anyone might have had on new Porsches. I would have liked to have taken the Macan GTS out on the track for a few laps to see how it performed but the SUV/sports car was only at the event to be shown, not driven.

Joe Morrow, our Social Media guru, was also on hand with information on all things going on in CVR. The CVR membership table was packed with flyers, stickers, registration information on the new PCA Juniors Program and a bucket of cookies. With our Challenge Magazine now going digital it’s great to have Joe getting CVR out there and exposing our DE program to those who may not read print.
Besides our DE and the Lime Rock Drivers Club having events on track, Lime Rock held a free Open House Spring Kick-off for the 2019 race season. The vendors were set up on the midway with food, beverages, crafts for kids and arts for adults. A lot of the people that came for the fun on the midway sat on the hillside to watch our DE sessions and the Lime Rock Drivers Club track sessions. It was cool to have a large group of spectators at a DE even if they weren’t there for us specifically. I’m sure they enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful Porsches that attended CVR’s DE.
LRP also hosted parking in Paddock B for a fundraiser that was going on several miles away at a local farm. When we pulled in at 7 a.m. we were surprised and a bit worried when we saw all of the school buses. But, Lime Rock had it all under control with the paddock roped off so everything ran smoothly.

in this picture we had a 1972 911, a 2000 Boxster and a 2015 GT3.
For our DE, we had three rungroups – Green, Yellow and Red and once again, the Green and Yellow rungroups were sold out. We even had a pretty big waiting list for the Green group and while we would have liked to have gotten everyone into the event, we can only fit so many drivers into each group and the groups were at capacity. When we say ‘register early’, we aren’t kidding. Register here.
It seems that we have been slowly increasing the number of women drivers at each event, which is fantastic. There are some regions that think that they need to have a special women’s group but we have found that our female CVR track drivers don’t care who they are driving with, as long as they are on the track. Right now we have a couple of female drivers that leave their kids at home with their husbands and come to drive at our DE events. I love it. So guys, invite your wife, your sister or your daughter to the track – DE is not just for us guys, this sport is for the whole family (18 or older).
Even if you missed our great May DE, there are still plenty of DE events on the calendar. Our next event is at Watkins Glen International on June 17 & 18. If you’ve never been to WGI, you have to know that it must be on your list of tracks to drive. It’s one of the best tracks in all of the U.S. and we are lucky to have it in our part of the country.
Our next two upcoming Lime Rock Park dates are July 15th and August 10th. Tell your boss you want to take a vacation day for the July event and we’ll see you at the track. Be safe, have fun and remember – gas is glue.