Taconic Hotel, May 15 – 17, 2020, Manchester Village, VT
I am pleased to announce that the base for our tour will be The Taconic Hotel in Manchester Village, VT. The Taconic Hotel reminds you of the grand historic Vermont inns, yet having been built in 2015 has all the modern amenities of today. Dine in at the Copper Grouse, their authentic New England pub, or walk to Manchester Village brimming with designer outlets and restaurants. I look forward to meeting with friends old and new while we enjoy our common Porsche passion. The roads of Vermont will certainly make for an enjoyable drive on the Saturday tour.

For loyal touring participants you know what to expect in terms of our format, so you can quickly scan this part. The format for the Spring Tour weekend remains the same as in the past. You’ll travel to The Taconic Hotel on May 15th (Friday) on your own schedule. At check-in, you will receive a packet with the details of the weekend. Dinner will be on your own Friday evening. On Friday and Saturday there will be a manager’s hosted social hour from 5pm to 6pm.
Saturday (May 16th) is “tour day”. We will have the PCA “Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement” forms at the breakfast location for you to sign; all participants must sign this form. Following breakfast Saturday morning we’ll have our orientation meeting with drivers and navigators, after which we’ll start the driving part of our tour weekend. Our tour route will take us through the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont. Our lunch stop will be at The White House Inn in Wilmington, Vermont.
Besides providing detailed route directions for the tour, we will also be using the RidewithGPS navigation app. Thanks to Hagerty Insurance for providing CVR with a RidewithGPS club account. We started using this app in 2017 and everyone has been impressed with how it works. For details on how to set up the app go to this page on the CVR website.
Now for the Specifics:
Lodging/Breakfasts/Dinner Package
Our package plan includes the following accommodation choices:
Single Occupancy
$517 – a 50% deposit is required and will be charged at time of booking
Double Occupancy
$641 – a 50% deposit is required and will be charged at time of booking
All packages include 2 nights lodging, buffet breakfast Saturday and Sunday, cash bar and sit-down buffet dinner Saturday night (dress is business casual). Price includes all taxes and gratuities. And a nightly manager hosted social hour from 5pm to 6pm.
If you choose to arrive early or stay longer, the hotel has given us the following rates for three days prior and three days after the tour: $179.00 + tax based upon availability. There are many sites of interest in the area such as the Lincoln Estate of Hildene, Orvis Fly Fishing School, hiking trails, golfing, designer outlets, and the Mount Equinox Skyline Drive. The Skyline Drive is “the longest privately owned paved toll road in the USA. 5.2 miles long, elevation increases to 3,235 feet.”
Cancellation policy: Cancellations must be made at least 29 days prior to arrival to avoid forfeiting your deposit.
Registration process:
This event is open to PCA members only.
To participate in the tour on Saturday you must be staying at the host hotel and have purchased the package plan.
First step is to call the hotel front desk directly at 802-362-0147 (Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm) and ask to speak with the Sales office. Identify that you are with the Connecticut Valley Region Porsche Club and make your room reservation. Note: Due to a limitation in the Taconic Hotel’s reservation system, your confirmation email from the hotel will not match the package price. You will be charged the correct package price upon checkout at the hotel. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The second step is to email us at tourmeister@cvrpca.org with your PCA member number and we will email the instruction on how to submit your registration form with your registration/lunch fee.
The Tour lunch/registration fee is $90 per couple ($45 per person).
The registration must be received by April 30th.
Luncheon and registration fees will be non-refundable after April 30th.
The hotel will hold rooms for us up until April 15th, after that there is no guarantee that rooms will be available.
Please note check-in time is 3:00 pm and check-out is 12 noon.
- A parking area will be set aside for the club.
- There will be a car wash area set up that consists of the use of a hose, buckets and old towels/rags
Payment of Individual Accounts
All individual accounts must be paid upon check out. A credit card will be required upon check-in. Final payments can be made by credit card.
Participant Information
We will continue the past practice of listing participant information in the handout package unless you tell us otherwise. However, we will still need either your email address (preferably) or telephone number so that we can contact you in case the need arises. Invariably new friends are made during our touring events and this information helps folks stay in touch with one another.
You will receive a package of information from us when you check-in at the hotel. Contained in this package will be a complete agenda for the weekend and detailed driving directions for Saturday’s tour. It will also tell you the exact time and location of the orientation meeting to be held Saturday morning.
If you have any questions please email us at tourmeister@cvrpca.org. We are looking forward to seeing you in Vermont.