Redline Restorations Spring Event
Since last year’s event was so well attended the Special Events team has again coordinated with Redline Restorations to invite CVR club members and their guests to a private tour of their showroom and restoration facilities. The event starts at 6:30 PM on Friday, April 17th 2020 and will include refreshments.

Redline Restorations is a “World-Class automotive restoration facility, dedicated to providing Concours quality services to their global clientele.” Their full in-house restoration capabilities include metal fabrication, award-winning paint, mechanical, and hand-sewn upholstery services. Redline also offers seamless winter storage solutions and showroom quality detail services.
They are located at 2475 Fairfield Ave. in the Blackrock section of Bridgeport, with easy access from I-95. (Click here for driving directions.)

Visit their website at
Note: CVR members must provide their PCA membership number and the names of their guests. These meetings are held for current members of PCA/CVR and their guests.
Sign up information to follow by Email Blast
Please remember to check out the CVR Website for the most up-to-date information at as well as our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
Questions ? contact Caroline or Alan Davis at