A glimpse into the future at Danbury Porsche
The CVRers were obviously very excited for the February meeting as we experienced record signup for the event. What made them so excited you ask? Were they getting antsy for car talk with spring around the corner? True, but that wasn’t it. How about the delicious dinner? Nope, that wasn’t it. What got everyone excited was the entertainment that Danbury Porsche had arranged for the CVRers and that entertainment was in the form of the brand new Porsche Taycan! Porsche’s first electric car. The membership was indeed excited.

We had a fairly pleasant day that February evening as Danbury Porsche’s general manager, Chris Partelow, and the rest of the Danbury team planned for the massive onslaught of CVRers. We met in the Audi service center where we have met previously, to accommodate the large group.

The Taycan was placed strategically just inside the showroom so that members could take in this beauty as they arrived. The shape of the car is really striking and it was outfitted in a beautiful dark grey exterior paint job with a very attractive black and darker red interior. The first impression was powerful. The car was open so members had the opportunity to sit in it and examine the hood and trunk storage areas. The completely smooth display screens for the gauges and center console take some getting used to but the dash, steering wheel, and general cockpit design are all Porsche and are very familiar.

We started the meeting with a great dinner provided by the Danbury team and then made our way to the showroom for our general business meeting and presentation. CVR activity chairs came forward to review the upcoming calendar so that the membership can make their plans. Plenty of events as always. We met the new members, heard what your CVRers had for sale, and even had a Bylaw change (thanks Phil) before moving onto the evening’s presentation.
Chris had brought in Tom Misciagna from PCNA to give us a tour of the car. We have met Tom previously when he introduced us to the Sport Turismo “wagon”. He started his presentation with an analogy comparing the Taycan technology with the Jetson’s cartoon show and we all understood where he was coming from. He explained the technology being used and how Porsche was able to build such a fast electric car. Quite a machine. He explained that Porsche is looking to ease the transition to electric cars by providing artificial engine noise, not just for the occupants, but also those outside of the car, as it actually has exterior speakers as well. Amazing. The car has a handsome profile and everyone was struck by its good looks but performance is right there as was superior braking and handling. I’m sure Porsche will do well with the Taycan as an electric car that only Porsche could build. Tom took a few questions from the audience and then we moved on to our raffle with a number of door prizes donated by Danbury Porsche. We then concluded the evening event and said our goodbyes.
Special thanks again to Chris, Tom, and the crew at Danbury Porsche for a very enjoyable evening. Next month you’ll find our March meeting hosted by our friends at Automobile Associates of Canton. Please be sure to register by the RSVP date using the constant contact invitation which you’ll be receiving shortly. Thanks, your CVR programs crew.