Autocross Columns

Track Record…Starting Another “Good Year”

Good driving skills are earned. They take work, even for the “talented”. If you believe that you can always get better and actively seek out ways to improve, then you will! Put in the effort, prepare yourself, arrive with your car ready to run, and then test your skills against a different group of drivers on new courses. That’s the recipe to quickly expand your driving skills and to start off another “good year”. Not resting on his impressive 2019 record, last month John Raudat traveled to the world famous Sebring track for a double race weekend. John not only won both of his races and came in 7th overall in a field of 33 cars, but he also set a new Sebring Track Record for his SMSE class. Congratulations John! 2020 is starting off as another “good year”!
Congratulations to John Raudat for his two race wins and new track record at Sebring!!
As a CVR AutoX alumni, John has proven that our AutoX-University program teaches you “Better Driving…Faster!” For a fun start to your year, join us for a full day of Porsche motorsport with friends at the next CVR AutoX on May 16th. {PLEASE ADD LINK TO CVR AUTOX WEB PAGE}

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