I hope that everyone is doing well. We are seeing Connecticut on the path to re-opening more parts of our economy in phases and also progressing with plans to increase the number of people allowed at social events. Along with the other CVR activity chairs, the Tour team has been discussing how to resume our events within the Covid-19 guidelines. The overall guiding principle, as always, is the health and safety of our members, their families and CVR sponsors.

One of the items we are planning to use is online PCA waivers. Online waivers will eliminate the need to sign waivers at the beginning of Coffee Runs in order to minimize close physical interaction. PCA is working with Motorsportreg.com to incorporate this feature around the June 1st timeframe. This will also enable the Coffee Run coordinator to ensure the number of participants will be within the applicable limits at the time of the event. CVR uses Motorsportreg for Autocross, Rally and Weekend Tour registrations. Look for further info in the near future on how to register to participate in the next Coffee Run.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at our next event.
Safe Travels,
Maria Capella
CVR Tourmeister
Here is a description from Rich Adua on the Early Bird Coffee Runs he started providing to our members last year:
Early Bird Coffee Runs
In a previous issue, James Ball mentioned that we now have 5+ people designing and leading Coffee Runs across the region. Last year, I started a different twist on our Coffee Runs – Early Bird Coffee Runs. As the title suggestions, these runs start a bit earlier than our standard runs. Meet up is around 7:00 with cars in gear around 7:45. All runs take place on Sunday mornings and are located in the eastern half of Connecticut.
I know, why would you possibly want to get up that early to go for a drive? Well, the most important reason is that there is considerably less traffic at that time. During two of our runs last year, it was over 45 miles before we had a car in front of us. We were able to stay together as a group as we drove some of the most scenic and twisty roads in the Eastern half of the state.
Another fine reason to join these runs – especially if you’re driving a drop top, is that the runs are typically completed before the hot summer heat arrives. All runs will typically end before noon. Although there is no scheduled lunch stop, all routes have been designed to be within close proximity to multiple restaurants to give people the option of dining on their own. One of the runs does end at Vanilla Bean.
Lastly, because there is no scheduled lunch stop, these runs allow you to come out, kick some tires before the drive and again at our rest stop, and still have time left in your day to get all of the Summer projects completed that you’ve been avoiding over the winter.
There are 5 Early Bird Coffee Runs scheduled starting in June and ending on November 1st. I hope you’ll come out and give one a chance.
Rich Adua