All good things come to those who wait. That phrase is something that those of us who store our Porsche cars for the winter get to attest to each year. We relive the realization of, Porsche, there is no substitute. Certainly the Covid-19 pandemic has made CVR events another thing that we have had to wait for.
The re-opening of businesses in a phased approach has begun and the CVR activities chairs are also planning how we can resume our activities in line with the guidance from the heath experts, PCA, state and local governments. We also have to adhere to the procedures put in place at the venues we utilize.
We understand that there is a pent up demand in our members to participate in the activities we enjoy. Be assured that the activity chairs are focused on moving forward with understanding the parameters within which events need to be run in the midst of this pandemic and updating how we run events accordingly.
Since the beginning of adapting to the changes in our lives that started around mid-March, it has been a lesson of constantly learning new things and reacting to those changes that were happening sometimes on a daily basis. We are still seeing refinements being made in the procedures defined by PCA and are closely monitoring the Connecticut guidelines for the next phase that is expected to begin around June 20th. We also have to be in compliance with the guidelines in neighboring states e.g. Massachusetts where one of the Coffee Runs is planned to be held.
Now for something to hopefully provide a respite though brief from all things Covid-19, a video by Jeff Zwart, co-starring Jezzebel, and brought to us by PCA sponsor Mobil 1:
Safe Travels,
Phil Capella
CVR President
CVR May Board Covid-19 Action Update 5/23/2020
Here is the text from the email blast that was sent on 5/24/2020 communicating the CVR Plan of Action Update from 5/23/2020:
The CVR Board of Directors has been monitoring closely the evolving developments of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The board’s highest priority is the health, safety and well-being of CVR members, their families and our sponsors. Its updated plan of action is based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Connecticut State Department of Public Health, Governor Lamont’s Executive Order of May 20, 2020 and related health authorities who have described the dangers of the virus and have declared the urgency with which actions should be taken to minimize its transmission.
The board’s focus is on CVR events scheduled to take place in June. It will continue to monitor developments and will communicate to club members in a timely manner the status of events scheduled for June and thereafter. It is anticipated that the Connecticut Executive Order expected in the June 20th timeframe will enable more of CVR’s events to be held after that date.
The following events will be postponed indefinitely:
- Coffee Run – Water Wheel on June 7th
- Monthly Meeting at Dan Jacob’s Hairy Dog Grrrage on June 9th
The following events are cancelled:
- Autocross #2 – Hartford on June 13th
- Summer Rally on June 14th
- Driver Education at Watkins Glen on June 15th – 16th
The following events are re-scheduled:
- 47th Annual People’s Choice Concours on June 20th, will be re-scheduled to Saturday, October 3rd. We’re optimistic that we’ll be able to host a fun in-person event at that time. In the meantime, we look forward to offering a virtual car show this summer! Please stay tuned for more details.
The following events have been added:
- Driver Education at Lime Rock Park on June 13th, half day for White/Black/Red run groups
- Driver Education at Lime Rock Park on June 25th, full day for
Yellow-Solo/White/Black/Red run groups
The board meeting on June 1st will be held via teleconference.
Club officials are taking actions that will minimize risks to the health of CVR members, their families and our sponsors, while also supporting the nationwide goal to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus Disease.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at
Be safe,
Phil Capella, President
Connecticut Valley Region / Porsche Club of America