I am happy to report that in June we resumed holding CVR events. Credit for the resumption of our activities sits squarely on the shoulders of our activity chairs and the volunteers who develop and run our events. Each activity has added a new layer of tasks and procedures that keep the safety of our participants and volunteers as the top priority. I would say the common aspect of the events to date is that they are all outdoors and lend themselves to following the guidelines in place.
I want to express my appreciation for the participants practicing the safeguard measures. One of the characteristics that I admire in this club is and has been that CVR members look out for each other.
The only CVR event cancellation for July at this point is the Monthly Meeting at Porsche of Fairfield. We will be monitoring the guidance as time moves forward and working with our sponsors who host us at their facilities. As I may have mentioned before, one of the things I have learned is that making predictions of where the pandemic will lead is virtually impossible.
Please keep our CVR sponsors in mind when you are looking for services or products that they provide. The impact of the pandemic on our sponsors has been significant and is ongoing. We could not provide all the high quality CVR events that we enjoy without their support. Please help where you can.
The pace of changes in many aspects of our lives has been occurring at breakneck speed the past four months along with aspects that seem to have made time stand still. I hope and believe that having events we can look forward to will help lift our spirits in these difficult times. Being in the Connecticut Valley Region and the “Land of Steady Habits” we will move forward.
The timing of CVR events resuming couldn’t come at a more opportune time because as the saying goes; “An idle mind is the devil’s playground.” I was thinking during the hiatus that we have a potential Safari Boxster in the garage. Just don’t tell Maria.
Be safe and looking forward to seeing you at a future CVR event.
Phil Capella
CVR President