Autocross Columns

“Welcome Back My Friends…

...To the show that never ends, we’re so glad you could attend, come (out)side, come (out)side”. Those that recognize these EL&P lyrics are old enough to take extra caution when venturing outside these days. Those that never heard of Emerson Lake & Palmer should also be cautious, but not to worry, CVR has good news for all.

CVR AutoX returns to action on July 19th (Sunday), outdoors in Hartford. We have been preparing for months now and will respectfully be following all of the latest COVID guidelines to make sure this event remains fun for all.

Be careful as you pass, move along, move along“. EL&P must have been autocrossers! Register on-line now, join us on July 19th.

The New Normal:

Everyone is asked to respect these new safety measures. We all need to do our part:

  • Bring your own mask, hand sanitizer, gloves, pen, garbage bag, and use them. Don’t forget the usual things like your own water, food, sun-screen, chair.
  • Thoughtfully use your sanitizer and gloves for your work shift (flag handles, timing/scoring areas, pylons, etc.). While virus transmittal risk from sun baked items may be low, please be respectfully cautious.
  • The main tent will be roped off to maintain distance for the timing and scoring people. Bring your own shade if desired (properly weighted tent, umbrella, big hat?).
  • NEW: Pre-registration on is required! No walk-up registration will be allowed. Registration closes FRIDAY July 17th. Due to Covid, you may cancel at anytime, including that morning, with a full refund or credit, but please do so as soon as you can so that we can re-plan the schedule without you.
  • Use “Air fist pumps” and “Air-Fives” instead of handshakes.
  • Loaner helmets will be exclusively reserved on a first come basis by emailing me. You still have time to order your own Snell 2010, 2015, or 2020 helmet on-line as the best way to protect your noggin. I advise that you buy the latest Snell SA helmet you can so it remains valid the longest. Please feel free to email me any questions, or for advice.
  • Instruction will be done out-of-car, except for rare same-household Instructor/student situations.
  • No AutoX Championship or Hoffman Cup Run-Off this year, but it will be great to be with friends enjoying the never-ending quest of Better Driving…Faster. It will also be fun to have some real fun and keeping sharp for when they return.
The Hoffman Big-Top! Plenty of space to keep Timing & Scoring workers properly distanced.

Now the fun part. Go to our CVR AutoX web page ( ) to see the July 19th course map, get a virtual ride and to see other reminders that can help make your day more fun. Welcome back my friends!

The gear is ready…are you?

CVR AutoX. Better Driving…Faster!

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