Who would have guessed that as we broke up from our March meeting at Automobile Associates it would be our last CVR monthly meeting for 2020? But that has indeed turned out to be the case.

The very nature of the monthly meeting activity is social in format, so with socialization being taboo right now, the Board has decided to cancel the remainder of the monthly meeting calendar for 2020. We have reached out to our hosts to let them know our decision and they certainly understand. But we’ll be back when the coast is clear, hopefully in 2021. So sit tight and in the meantime enjoy that Porsche of yours in the many safe ways that you can. I’m still driving mine. I’m still enjoying a nice summer evening drive with the top down and my beautiful wife sitting next to me.
Now is a great time to get to all those deferred maintenance items on the car, especially the DIY ones. If you have bigger projects waiting it is a good time for them as well. I’ve jumped onto my 968 project car in earnest recently.
Most importantly, please don’t forget to patronize our generous monthly meeting hosts during these challenging times. Our local dealers, Danbury, Fairfield, Wallingford, Hoffman, and New Country, and our great indie shops, The Trailer Depot, Automobile Associates, Fairfield County Motorsports, Sloan Motors, Musante Motorsports, and Hairy Dog Grrrage have all been great friends to CVR over the years. They are still out there ready to service your Porsche or sell you another one so please keep them in mind.
Stay healthy and Alex and I look forward to seeing you in 2021.
– Jeff Coe, CVR Programs