Columns Driver Education

September DE at Lime Rock Park

The 2020 CVR DE season is winding down with only two events remaining on the calendar.  We held our September Saturday event at LRP, once again with perfect weather, tons of safe social distancing and lots of track time.  It was fun for all who participated.

Instructors on track at Lime Rock Park at our September DE

Along with the DE track event, Autocross had their event over in Paddock B. It is always great to see our Club operating as a group, with multiple events going on at the same venue on the same day.

Cars lined up, waiting for the Green Flag

Thanks to Paul Roth, from our CVR Photo Club, for taking great pictures at our September DE event.  Paul shared many of his pictures with us and we were able to send most of the drivers a picture or two of their car on track.

The Left Hander at Lime Rock Park

Our DE program has been very fortunate to have multiple sponsors over the years.  This season, with all that’s been going on, we still added new sponsors that wanted to support our program while getting their name out in front of our drivers.  At our September event, our T-shirts were sponsored by Howard Mansdorf and his company Accurate Automotive Equipment.  Howard’s company sells and installs lifts, tire machines, balancers & compressors, etc.  The next time you are looking for a lift or other related equipment, be sure to give Howard a call.

Front and back of the T-shirt given out at our September DE

As we near the end of the 2020 season, there is still time to drive at an event if you haven’t done so yet this season.  We have Watkins Glen on October 5/6 and Lime Rock Park on November 7.  We are still holding solo driver events but hopefully next year things will change and we can get back to running events with all levels of drivers, including students. 

Short Chute at Lime Rock Park

CVR DE continues to follow social distancing guidelines, requiring everyone to wear a mask and encouraging everyone to use hand santizer.  We are keeping our events as safe as possible including the elimination of guests or spectators at our events.  Our meetings and classroom sessions are held outside and we have contactless morning registration.  If you have been hesitant about coming to a DE because of COVID, I will tell you that you can come and have little to no contact with anything but your car.

Back on the trailer after a great day of DE

Be safe and see you at the track.


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