Better Year Coming
Dear Club Members, Sponsors and Friends,

As contradictory as it might seem, a photograph sent to me by a longtime friend, a CVR member, was an inspiration to me – – a symbol of altruism and hope. It was of his daughter, whom I have known since her adolescence and who is now 30-years-old. She works extended shifts in a COVID ward in a large metropolitan hospital. She is board certified in internal medicine and pediatrics; she currently cares for patients of all ages, especially elderly patients, who are suffering from the effects of the coronavirus. The photograph revealed marks on her face from the mask she wears throughout her shift – – a piece of equipment that is as standard apparel to her as a pair of socks. Her colleagues suffer similar marks. They are abrasions and blemishes caused by the constant rub of the mask during long hours of work. They are persistent because there is little or no time for recuperation and repair.
The photograph of the young doctor could be disturbing. But knowing her makes a difference. She is idealistic, hardworking and competent. She is unrelenting, never wavering in her mission to help others and to heal her patients. The photograph is beautiful to me. It manifests determination and compassion. It is representative of the thousands of medical professionals, first responders, teachers, volunteers and so many others who care for us and who support our children. Their continued work and the emergence of a vaccine portend safer and better times in 2021. I am optimistic.
Phil Capella; Joe Kunecki

A return to normalcy will be a welcome respite. Our car club is arguably not essential to our lives; however, its activities are diversions from the many responsibilities and pressures that monopolize our attention and time. Before we shift our orientation to the future, it is important that I thank Phil Capella and Joe Kuneki for their successful terms of office. Phil’s tenure as president was punctuated by several significant, complex challenges. Most notably was his leadership in the transformation of CVR’s magazine, Challenge, from print to digital format and his management of unprecedented complications caused by the pandemic. He was fit for the tasks. Club members were fortunate to be beneficiaries of his exceptional leadership, continuous accessibility, and even temperament. I respect Phil’s many contributions to the club; I admire the decency and fairness with which he made them. In recognition of his work, the CVR Board of Directors authorized a gift to him of beautiful artwork by Paul Kudra. Paul presented the artwork to Phil on November 29. The informal presentation occurred at Phil’s house, with his wife, Maria, and me applauding. Like Phil, Maria is a leader not only in CVR but also in PCA.

In the December issue of Challenge, Phil commended Joe Kunecki for his conscientious work as secretary in 2019 and 2020. I reiterate the commendation. Joe’s detailed minutes of the CVR Board Meetings were clear and complete. They described accurately the intentions and the actions of board members, which is a noteworthy accomplishment given the breadth and complexity of the discussions that occur at meetings. Joe’s management of required PCA Certificates of Insurance for our club’s moving car events was very well done. It was not easy work this year because the pandemic required reissuances of certificates when events were cancelled, postponed or relocated.
In addition to his diligence as secretary, Joe has devoted much time during the last three years to managing the club’s new internet-based store, the ePorium, where merchandise and commemorative apparel are sold. He has volunteered to continue this work in 2021.
Shelley Krohnengold; Christine Beckwith

Shelley Krohnengold succeeded me as the club’s executive vice president, beginning this month for a two-year term. He has been a leader in the club for more than a decade. He was the editor-in-chief of Challenge from 2009 until 2019 when it transformed from print to digital format. It is mystifying to me how Shelley published issue after issue of the magazine for so many years while managing his full-time graphic design and marketing business in Southwest Connecticut. He wrote a monthly column, edited text, formatted articles, and coordinated advertisements. He worked closely with the professionals who did the printing and the mailing. In addition, he attended virtually every board meeting in the last 10 years, providing updates about the magazine. His work is impressive in duration, quantity, and quality. Not surprisingly, Challenge received PCA recognition for excellence during Shelley’s editorship. He enjoys a great relationship with Eric Richmond, the impressive new editor of Challenge.
Whenever there is a need for an award, trophy, or citation, club leaders turn to Shelley. He always manages to accommodate requests, even when time constraints appear prohibitive. He is clever in the design of formal acknowledgments, and he finds the best craftsmen to do the work. It is a pleasure to spend time with him. His willingness to listen to others, even in the most trying circumstances, is a distinguishing trait. His wit is infectious. In appreciation for all he has done for the club, Shelley was awarded the Carrington Award in 2017, the club’s most prestigious recognition.

On January 1, Christine Beckwith succeeded Joe Kunecki as club secretary for a two-year term. Christine and her husband, Tim, have been CVR members since 2013. They enjoy the club in close partnership. From the very beginning of their membership, they excelled in our rallies. They received the CVR Rallyists of the Year Award in 2015. Former rally meister, Lon Hultgren, encouraged them to assume his mantle in 2017. Lon’s rally standards are legendary, approaching perfection. His encouragement of them was a tribute to their skill and enthusiasm. Christine and Tim did not disappoint. During their time as chairs, they have hosted enjoyable, challenging rallies that have been exceptionally popular events. Their rally routes and related directions have been masterpieces of precision, likely reflecting Christine’s background in scientific research and Tim’s background in corporate finance. Parenthetically, there was an article published about them in Challenge three years ago, describing their purchase of a Porsche in Beaverton, Oregon and, together, driving the car across the entire country to Connecticut.
Christine’s inaugural responsibility as secretary will be writing the minutes of the Annual Planning Meeting, which takes place this month. She will initiate applications for PCA Certificates of Insurance shortly thereafter. Joe Kunecki and she will work together in securing club documents during the transition. I admire Christine’s positive attitude and her commitment. Her work as secretary will build on the excellent work done by Joe and will enhance the club’s operation.
After a brief hiatus, Frank Sena has returned to the club and has volunteered to become the chair for social media. Frank served with distinction as the vice president of programs in 2014 and 2015 and as chair of special events in 2017. He has also served in recent years as liaison to sponsors of the CVR Club Race. One of his most complex accomplishments was the reconceptualization of the club’s store three years ago. He transformed it from in-person purchases to broad-spectrum, internet-based sales.
There are significant developments pertaining to the CVR Club Race. Having successfully completed his term as secretary, Joe Kunecki has volunteered to be the assistant director of the race. Mike Appel is embracing the challenging responsibilities of sponsor coordinator, and Mike Hopkins has committed to serving as the race volunteer coordinator. Maria Capella is moving from her position of race volunteer coordinator to work closely this year with Debbie Cloud, who holds the elected office of vice treasurer/registrar of the Club Race. Debbie plans to move out of state next year; Maria will be nominated to succeed her. In addition to these race-related developments, there has been a temporary change in personnel for club programs. Alex Lendvai, a program coordinator who worked closely with Jeff Coe, the vice president of programs, has taken a leave from his club work. Jeff and I look forward to his return.
Very noteworthy is the transition of Prescott Kelly to Linda Goodman as club historian. Prescott was the historian for 32 years! Prescott and Linda will be featured in one of my columns this year.
In my next letter to you, I will explain the club’s goals for 2021. In the meantime, my wife, Christine, and I wish you a healthy and prosperous new year.
Yours truly,