The thrill of flying through new AutoX courses will be here before you know it. Driving into 2021, here are four new things to look forward to.

(painting by Paul Kudra)

New AutoX Loyalty Program gifts have arrived! To thank everyone that attended two or more CVR AutoX events in 2020 they can pick up their CVR AutoX Series original artwork tee-shirt at the first 2021 AutoX. This shirt commemorates racing legend Al Holbert in his iconic Lowenbrau Special 962. Many of us remember watching Al “spin & win” at Lime Rock’s IMSA race. Al started well down in the pack but stayed on the boost and dove down the inside of everyone entering Big Bend. First place was briefly attained but physics just barely prevailed and he gently spun to the outside grass, re-entering at the back. “The hill” full of race fans witnessed a spectacular drive by Al, now in full-attack mode, and he ended up winning the race. Channel your inner Holbert and learn to drive with the same zeal at our 2021 CVR AutoX events. Better Driving…Faster is our slogan for a reason; we encourage you and teach you the driving skills to safely drive like that!
New Trophies. Earning an AutoX trophy is a special achievement. It shows you have progressed your driving skills to a high level and paid attention to the AutoX-University lessons. Chances are that our CVR AutoX Instructors have helped you along the way. Chances are that you have realized the competition is with the clock and that others in your class have encouraged and motivated you to do your best to earn that trophy. While you’ll have to wait to see what new direction 2021 trophies have taken, I’m excited to share that they feature original PKart and will be a fun collectible with a practical twist. Collect one or several but after 2021 they’ll be gone, so pay attention to the AutoX-U driving skill lessons!

New Cones. One of the things that separates CVR AutoX events from others is that we use clean 12-inch traffic cones to mark the course. This is important to keep your concours level Porsche staying that way. Smack a tall dirty cone and some buffing could be in your future. Run over the short clean CVR cones and any clean vinyl smudges on your rocker panel easily dissolve away (with Griot’s “Track-Spray” or Oil Flow‘s “Safety Solvent Cleaner”). After decades of AutoX events, trust me, I know. CVR AutoX events are more concours safe than the drive to get there. Although I actually hand wash our pylons throughout the season to keep them dust and grease free, after several seasons it’s time to replenish the stock. Virgin 2021 cones, both orange and green, have arrived and are ready to be sacrificed in the name of improving and enjoying your driving skills while keeping your Porsche shiny.
New 2021 Schedule. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that you need to be flexible. As of now, the one AutoX date we have “locked in” is Saturday August 7, 2021 at Lime Rock Park’s B-Paddock. Hopefully we won’t have to apply the flexibility lesson to this date. Other dates will depend on the Hartford Yard Goat and Concert schedules, so as usual will not be firmed-up for a few months. I will push for dates and publish them in Challenge and on the Autocross Web page ( as soon as possible. Until then, I hope these four items help keep you focused on Better Driving…Faster!
Happy New Year!