CVR’s first on-track event of the year, on April 12th, was a full day at Lime Rock Park. Despite the gloomy forecast from our always spot-on weather forecasters, we ended up with a halfway decent day. We were able to get in many dry runs before the rain came in. Those who had street tires or rain tires were out on the track all day, having a blast.

Josh Zwick (co-enthusiast of the year for 2020) asked about the possibility of him giving our drivers some information on carbon offsets. Josh wrote an article on the offsets and we handed it out at registration. Then, at the driver’s meeting, Josh gave a quick rundown on carbon offset credits. Basically, a carbon offset is a credit for emissions reductions given to one party that can be sold to another party to compensate for its emissions. Buying offsets helps individuals take into account the environmental costs of carbon dioxide emitted from vehicles. Click here to read Josh’s article.

CVR’s DE committee has been in discussion as to when can we safely get students and instructors back in the car. We held an instructor meeting at the April event and the instructors that were present voted that they were ready to get in a car with a student, knowing that most everyone will be vaccinated by the time our July DE rolls around.

For several past issues of Challenge we published our new Student Instructor protocol. This safety protocol will be utilized to provide everyone some protection from COVID. In case you missed it, the protocol, subject to change as the pandemic continues, is included at the bottom of this paragraph. I feel it would not be right to mandate that people get a COVID vaccination in order to participate but it would be comforting to some if that info was voluntarily shared with our Registrar during registration. If we have an instructor or student with concerns, we can pair them up accordingly, hopefully keeping all parties content. Every student and instructor will be required to wear a mask under their helmet, regardless of a vaccination or not.
The CVR DE committee is aiming for our July 12 event at LRP to be the event that brings back students. We think that most of our participants and instructors are comfortable and ready to get back to some form of normal. We know many of you have been patiently waiting to attend a CVR DE. Some of you may have even done some other form of DE elsewhere. We look forward to having new people join us at a CVR DE and our talented instructors are looking forward to introducing you to our very fun sport.

See you at the track. Be safe.