Presidents Message

Prescott Kelly: A Person For All Seasons

Dear Club Members, Sponsors and Friends,

When I became a CVR member in 1993, the first club event I attended was the New Member Sampler, which occurred on a sunny, spring day at the Sheraton Hotel in Waterbury.  Pam and Paul Kudra were the hosts; their hospitality and enthusiasm enlivened the event.  It was a great inaugural experience for me.  I learned about driver education, autocross, concours, special events and much more.  During one of the presentations, I heard for the first time the name, Prescott Kelly.  He was mentioned with reverence.

Since that New Member Sampler twenty-eight years ago, I have witnessed firsthand Prescott’s leadership and effervescence at many club events; I have interacted with him on several occasions, and I have attended many of his large-assembly presentations on Porsche-related topics.  Like other club members, I have been a beneficiary of his knowledge and congeniality.  It was with regret, therefore, that I accepted last year Prescott’s resignation as club historian, a position he held for thirty-two years.  He decided it was time to direct his focus elsewhere.  As of 2020, Prescott had been on the club’s board of directors for thirty-eight years.  His contributions to CVR are legendary.  His eminence is well deserved.

Allen Fossbender, CVR President
Allen Fossbender, CVR President

Fascinating Car Life

Prescott’s car life is fascinating.  Chevrolets were his focus in his early years.  His first car was a 1955 Chevy Bel Air convertible.  His introduction to Porsches occurred during high school when one of his classmates was given a beautiful red 1956 356 A Speedster.  Prescott remained faithful to Chevies, however, until he emerged from his chrysalis upon completion of graduate school in 1967.  His priorities were impressive even back then; immediately after graduation, he purchased a 1965 slate gray 356 SC coupe.  He then proceeded to buy appliances for his new home in Westport!  In 1968, he bought another Porsche, a 1963 356 B Super cabriolet in heron gray, a 58-year-old car that his family still nurses.

Prescott Kelley

Nineteen sixty-seven was Prescott’s first year of membership in CVR PCA. He was not a member in 1969 and 1970; he rejoined in 1971. Cumulatively, he has been a club member for fifty-two years. He is one of 18 members/associate members who have been with CVR PCA for fifty or more years. From 1971 to 1982, he did not participate in many club activities. He was involved in his career in consumer marketing. Among other professional experiences, he performed advertising consulting for Coca-Cola and Bristol-Myers, as well as marketing management for Playtex. Later in his own business, he published reference books and how-to books for free-lance writers.

Although Prescott was not involved in many club activities in his early years of membership, he was never without at least two Porsches. During this time, he began collecting Porsche sales literature, factory memorabilia, posters and Porsche-model toys. The collection grew over the years to approximately 5,000 pieces. He sold most of the collection to the famous Porsche collector, Ranson Webster, for his eponymous museum. Prescott subsequently rebuilt his collection to 4,000 pieces, which were sold in 450 lots over two days in a Sotheby’s online auction last summer. Both of his collections were an avocation. For other collectors, they might have been developed more with an eye to speculative income. They were quite valuable.

In addition to the collections, Prescott developed a library of complete sets of Road & Track, Car and Driver, Sports Car Graphic, SCCA’s Sports Car, Automobile Quarterly, Excellence, 356 Registry, Panorama and other publications. He gave the library to a next-generation family member in 2018.

In 1982, Prescott saw vintage racing in action at the Monterey Motorsports Reunion (then known as the Monterey Historics), which still occurs at the beautiful Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey County, California. The races are part of the Monterey Car Week that includes the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Porsche was the featured marque for the first time at the Historics in 1982. Spectating vintage racing inspired Prescott to attend a CVR Monthly Meeting the next month with the objective of participating in driver education. Guided by husband-and-wife team, Linda Goodman and Eric Grossman, both of whom ultimately served separate terms as CVR presidents, he purchased a 1973 black 911 RS. He participated in 22 DE events in 1982 and 1983; Eric was his first instructor. Prescott became an instructor by the end of 1983.

Prescott’s 1963 356 B in heron gray.

Thirty-eight years of DE, time trials and racing followed. Prescott has driven in series hosted by the Sportscar Vintage Racing Association, Historic Sportscar Racing and Historic Motor Sport Association. He has also driven in PCA Club Races and Sports Car Club of America Regionals. His 1965 two-liter 911 ex-TransAM SCCA race car was affectionately known nationwide as the “Race Roach.” Surviving multiple owners, the car was in twelve verified wrecks. No original body panels remained on the car with the exception of the roof, which was badly dented. Some of Prescott’s other race cars were a 1972 911 ST 2.5 liter, a 1969 356 Super 90 GT and a 1985 944 Turbo Playboy/Escort Series showroom-stock race car. He also owned and raced an ultra-rare 550 Spyder, which was a Weinsberg-body, flat-front prototype that was one of three Porsche-factory entries at 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1954. It won its class and placed twelfth overall.

Prescott Kelley driving the Race Roach

Throughout Prescott’s driving career, two long-time CVR members were his voluntary crew, Erik Apotheker and Sylvain Lessard. They were SCCA corner workers and habitual DE/time-trial “track rats,” as Prescott affectionately describes them. They were working at an SCCA National July 4th weekend in 1993 when they saw Prescott finish second in his 911 ST at a Historic Trans-Am Race. At the end of the day, Erik and Sylvain asked Prescott if he had a crew. “Nope,” he replied. They asked where he was going to race next. “Mid-Ohio in two weeks.” Erik and Sylvain preceded Prescott there! They cleaned the ST, bled the brakes, swapped the tires and aired them up. They applied a fresh sticker on the roof of the car, directly above the driver’s window that said, “Insert spacer here.” Prescott asked, “What’s the spacer?” Erik and Sylvain replied, “It’s the guy we put in the car who connects the pedals with the steering wheel.” The team got along famously after that and remained inseparable for ten years of racing fun. Prescott always described his driving skills in modest terms; his fellow drivers were more complimentary. He retired from racing in 2013, having won the SVRA National Endurance Championship in 1997 and having set a SCCA Vintage Group lap record at Lime Rock Park in 2010.

Regional and National Leader

At the same CVR Monthly Meeting in 1982 where he was the beneficiary of Goodman and Grossman’s guidance, Frank Carrington, former CVR president, asked if anyone had been to the Monterey Historics.  The story goes that, after a long pause, Prescott hesitantly raised his hand.  Frank asked him if he took any photos of the event.  Prescott responded that he had taken about 200 Kodak Ektachrome Slides. Two hundred slides!  He was invited to show them at the next Monthly Meeting.  His presentation was memorable.  His affability, knowledge and passion for Porsches were enthralling.  In addition to his captivating presentation, he wrote an eight-page article in Challenge about the Historics.

Prescott and his crew: from left to right – Sylvain Lessard, Prescott and Erik Apotheker. The car in the photo is Prescott’s 1972 911 ST.

Prescott’s presentation launched him into the CVR stratosphere. Shortly thereafter he became the vice president of programs. In 1985, he ascended to vice president and worked closely with his good friend, Eric Grossman, who had been elected president. He remained vice president in 1986. Club members appreciated Prescott’s competence and enthusiasm. They elected him president in 1987 for a two-year term, followed by two years as past president. The number of club activities grew; their quality was noteworthy during his terms of office. One of Prescott’s signature achievements was the extremely arduous but successful campaign in 1992 to win PCA’s approval of CVR’s application to hold one of the races in the new PCA Club Race Series. Prescott has performed virtually every club-race duty since then, racing and working. One could find him in grid, control, announcer’s booth and paddocks – – always leading, always lending a hand. The CVR Club Race continues to command respect in the Porsche race community. It has become a prominent component of our club’s DNA.

Very deservingly, Prescott’s reputation grew as a leader, driver, concours winner and colleague. He organized and led five historic car displays at Porsche Parades. The display at the 2005 Parade is still the largest assembly of historic Porsches in PCA’s history. He became a widely respected concours judge, traveling to assignments throughout the country. Prescott’s extraordinary achievements were abundant. PCA leaders noticed. They embraced his vision, temperament and dependability. He became a member of the PCA National Board of Directors (1988 – 2010), PCA’s National Executive Committee (2004 – 2010) and PCA’s National Valuation Committee (1990 – 2005). Prescott was elected national president (2007 – 2008). He is credited with PCA’s modernization. He is the only person, ever, to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from both the Porsche Club of America and the 356 Registry. He was also accorded the Carrington Award, CVR’s most prestigious honor. Prescott recounts that his wife, Pam, and he have loved their involvement in CVR PCA, meeting and working with club members and national staff whom they describe as “the best people in the world.”

Gifted Communicator

I have identified several of Prescott’s traits to which his success may be ascribed.  I believe his transcendent trait, however, is that of communicator.  He is impressively articulate in conversation.  He is an engaging raconteur.  If Ken Burns decides to film a documentary about CVR PCA, Prescott would be an ideal narrator – – a Shelby Foote of the Porsche World.  He is in demand as a speaker and public-address announcer.  He has been the guest speaker at CVR Annual Meetings and, for many years, has been a principal announcer at CVR Club Races and Porsche Rennsport Reunions at Daytona International Raceway and Laguna Seca Raceway.

Prescott driving his original 1954 550 Spyder, which was Porsche’s factory car at LeMans in 1954.

His exceptional talent as a speaker notwithstanding, Prescott is most of all a writer at heart.  Having read everything I could find about him, it seems likely to me that, if he were forced to list his profession in one word on a questionnaire, he would put down “writer.”  He has devoted years to the written word.  It shows.  His writing is attractively clear, carefully crafted and, when the topic permits, deeply creative.  Perhaps CVR could take some credit for his proficiency.  One of Prescott’s earliest automobile articles was published in Challenge in 1982.  Regardless of its genesis, his talent is obvious across a broad spectrum of publications.  He has written more than 200 magazine articles in Panorama, 356 Registry, Excellence, European Car, and several other magazines.  He has crafted a lengthy history of Porsches for the Society of Automotive Historians.  On a smaller scale, he has written descriptions of many Porsches for sale at well-known auction houses.  More recently, he is better known as contributing editor of “Porsche Profiles” in Sport Cars Market and as recurring author of the 5,000-word Porsche by-model market analyses published in Panorama.  He retired from publishing in 2015.

Heartfelt Transition

So, saying goodbye to Prescott as the club’s historian was difficult for me. I will still see him, but less frequently. I am comforted knowing he will remain a Porsche guy to infinity. His garage today has two 356s. One of them is the heron-gray 1963 356 B Super I describe in the third paragraph of this article; the other is a preservation (original, unrestored) 1965. He has a preservation-winning 1968 911 coupe and preservation-winning 1972 911 coupe. For driving fun, there are a 964 Carrera RS, a 993 Carrera RS, a 997 Club Coupe and a 997 GT2 RS. His daily driver is a Cayenne GTS. When Prescott is not attending to his stable of cars, he is active internationally in importing and selling Porsche models he has always admired: 964 and 993 RSs and RSRs, 993 GT2s and 954 Turbo S Flachbaus and Leichtbaus – – all performance cars that Porsche never imported into North America when they were new.

Prescott with his 2011 GT3 RS in aqua blue metallic with white/gold trim.

I am inspired by the time and effort club members devote to the success of our activities and events.  Sometimes, however, I find myself thinking wistfully about the people of yore whose vision and work made CVR, as we know it, possible.  Many of them are no longer well known or have been forgotten.  Few club members, for example, recognize the name, Olive Toombs, CVR’s first president in 1959 and one of only two women who were among the 190 PCA charter (founding) members in 1956.  Perhaps, someday there will be a CVR PCA Hall of Fame to memorialize the heroes of our club.  If so, the only decision to be made about Prescott Kelly would be the color of his pedestal.

Yours truly,


  1. Robert Rathe

    Prescott has been an important part of my enjoyment of Porsche’s, PCA, and racing
    A wonderful tribute to a dear friend

  2. joe topor

    Great documentary Allen

  3. Richard Strahota

    Great article!

  4. Erik Apotheker

    Great article and fitting tribute

    • Ed Johnson

      A very long time has passed since 1988 when Prescott was President of the CVR. He was the one who presented me with my 1st place award plaque at the 1988 Lime Rock Porscherama (NY Metro, NJJR and CVR combined club organizations) Time Trial Event – banquet recognitions – “Stock Class 911”. A recognition award that still hangs proudly in my personal home office. Although I’ve participated in several driving schools including 7 Richard Petty, Rusty Schools with one Skip Barber race series school with many CVR driving school events, this was my only competitive driving event to date. Most of my “competitive” racing was performed on many mornings on the Merritt Parkway on route to LaGuardia Airport on business. Prescott, thanks for your many contributions to the CVR! -EJ

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