Columns Editor's Notes

Between the Lines – Oct 2021

Welcome to September. New month, new features.

Those of you who’ve been reading CHALLENGE as a digital magazine have probably noticed that starting this past February, we did away with the CHALLENGE masthead on the magazine’s home page every month in favor of having a “cover” photograph. Even though (in my opinion) CVR has a better website than any of the other Regions, this change was made to give CHALLENGE more of a magazine feel, and to allow us to re-enter the annual PCA magazine competition. But I digress.

Having a photo on the cover each month means we need more photos. But where to get them?

Well, beginning later this month, we are inviting all CVR Members to submit their photos for consideration as potential CHALLENGE covers. Rules are simple:

  1. You must take the photo yourself. No, you may not right-click-and-save photos you like from the Porsche website, BAT, or any other place you can think of.
  2. The car you photograph must be yours. If it’s not yours, it must have been photographed (by you) in a public space. No, your neighbor’s driveway isn’t a public space (no matter how cool the car is).
  3. License plates must be elegantly hidden by blurring or pixelating the numbers. Scribbling out the license plate in your photo with a sharpie isn’t the look we’re going for. Neither is covering the offending digits with duct tape before you take the shot. You can however print out this file, trim it and place it over the license plate.
  4. No minors may appear in the photo unless they’re yours, or you have written permission from their parents. So maybe don’t set your shot up in front of a school or ice cream parlor.
  5. The car must be a Porsche. I shouldn’t have to say that, but there it is. No Corvettes, Vipers, BMWs, Ferraris or any vehicle that doesn’t start with a P and end with an E.

One photo will be selected each month. Judges will be the Editor, the Assistant Editor, and the Creative Director. Decisions are final and may not be appealed. Here’s the good part: All entries will be permanently enshrined in the CHALLENGE Cover Submissions gallery on the website. If your photo is selected for a cover, you will automatically be entered into the “Best CHALLENGE Cover Photo” contest. Your entry, as well as the 10 other monthly cover entries, will be voted on via an online form as part of Photofest. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be announced at the Club’s annual meeting where the winners will receive their awards.

Watch your email for further details and the submission form.

In this edition of CHALLENGE

Start your reading off with Allen Fossbender’s Straightaway this month. Those of us of a certain age – myself included – can instantly relate. If you read nothing else in this month’s CHALLENGE, read this article.

August saw the intrepid CVR Programs team do their third virtual Monthly Meeting, this time with the Vintage team from SpeedSport Tuning in Danbury. We’d hoped to be able to bring you a recording of the meeting, but there was a technical malfunction and as a result, you’ll want to read Jeff Coe’s excellent meeting wrap-up notes instead. And speaking of Jeff, don’t miss his Feature Article this month on his experience with Porsche’s all-electric Taycan.

We all want to be better drivers, right? Of course.  At some point, that means signing up for one of CVR’s excellent Driver Education programs. Dave Vaccaro’s article this month provides us with a wrap-up of the August 14th event at LRP and a look ahead at the upcoming events at both LRP and WGI. And if driving on a “big” track isn’t your speed, you’ll want to read Paul Kudra’s AutoX article to help improve your driving on a “small” track. Or a parking lot.

This coming Labor Day weekend is the 39th Historic Festival at Lime Rock Park. Saturday and Monday are all about vintage racing, but for me, the highlight of the weekend is going to be on Sunday. That’s when both the Sunday in the Park Concours d’ Elegance and the Gathering of the Marques car shows take place. In addition to the 15 very rare Porsches from the collection of architect and CVR member Steven Harris, you will fine these other vehicles exhibited at the Concours event:


Events like this are always great opportunities for taking photos, but have you ever wondered what it takes to be a great automotive photographer? If you have, you’re going to want to read Taking Great Photos by CVR Photo Club chair Paul Roth. Paul spent some time talking to long-time contributor Walt Hyjek on some of the techniques he employs and put together a nice handy guide – just in time for the Historic Festival. While you’re thinking about photos, don’t forget to check out the photos in Walt’s Feature Article this month on America, Saratoga, and LeMans.

Rounding out this month’s issue are Joe Kunecki’s Notes from the Shopkeeper, an update on Coffee Runs from Tourmeister Maria Capella, and a list of the things you should know about CVR’s upcoming People’s Choice Concours.

Enjoy the Holiday weekend.

– Editor

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